1. * Ondřej Tichý, Václav Šmídl, Radek Hofman, N. Evangeliou: Source term estimation of multi-specie atmospheric release of radiation from gamma dose rates. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 144:717 (2018), 2781-2797. Wiley. Download |
2. * Ondřej Tichý, Václav Šmídl, Radek Hofman, Kateřina Šindelářová, M. Hýža, A. Stohl: Bayesian inverse modeling and source location of an unintended 131I release in Europe in the fall of 2011. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17:20 (2017), 12677-12696. Copernicus. Download |
3. * Ondřej Tichý, Václav Šmídl, Radek Hofman, A. Stohl: LS-APC v1.0: a tuning-free method for the linear inverse problem and its application to source-term determination. Geoscientific Model Development 9:11 (2016), 4297-4311. Copernicus GmbH. Download |
4. * Radek Hofman, Petr Pecha, Václav Šmídl: Evaluation of detection abilities of monitoring networks using multiple assessment criteria. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 129-138. Download |
5. * Václav Šmídl, Radek Hofman: Efficient Sequential Monte Carlo Sampling for Continuous Monitoring of a Radiation Situation. Technometrics 56:4 (2014), 514-527. Download |
6. * Václav Šmídl, Radek Hofman: Tracking of atmospheric release of pollution using unmanned aerial vehicles. Atmospheric Environment 67:1 (2013), 425-436. Elsevier. Download |
7. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman: Calculations of External Irradiation from Radioactive Plume in the Early Stage of Nuclear Accident. International Journal of Environment and Pollution 1-4 (2012), 420-430. Download |
8. * Radek Hofman: 3 questions to Radek Hofman on human and organisational factors. Eurosafe Tribune 11:22 (2012), 31-31. Download |
9. * Kamil Dedecius, Radek Hofman: Autoregressive Model with Partial Forgetting within Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 41:5 (2012), 582-589. Taylor & Francis. Download |
10. * Petr Pecha, P. Kuča, I. Češpírová, Radek Hofman: Monitorování radiace v časné fázi nehody na jaderném zařízení - analýza všech typů měření použitelných pro korekci modelových předpovědí. The Science for Population Protection 3:2 (2011), 102-125. Download |
11. * Václav Šmídl, Radek Hofman: Marginalized Particle Filtering Framework for Tuning of Ensemble Filters. Monthly Weather Review 139:11 (2011), 3589-3599. Download |
12. * Radek Hofman, Václav Šmídl: Assimilation of spatio-temporal distribution of radionuclides in early phase of radiation accident. Bezpečnost jaderné energie 18, 226-228. Státní úřad pro jadernou bezpečnost. Download |
13. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman: Comprehensive Modelling and Simulation System for Decision Support in the Field of Radiation Potection. ERCIM News 81 (2010), 17-18. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics. Download |
14. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman, P. Kuča, K. Zemánková: Development of software tools for consequence assessment of aerial radioactive discharges. Bezpečnost jaderné energie, 147-157. Státní úřad pro jadernou bezpečnost. Download |
15. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman: Asimilace matematického modelu s měřenými daty při odhadech znečistění životního prostředí. Bezpečnost jaderné energie 5/6 (2007), 174-185. Státní úřad pro jadernou bezpečnost. Download |
1. * Ondřej Tichý, Václav Šmídl, Radek Hofman: Bayesian Estimation of Source Term of Atmospheric Radiation Release with Interval Prior. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs), 357-364. iEMSs, Toulouse 2016. Download |
2. * Radek Hofman, Václav Šmídl, Petr Pecha: Evaluation of Detection Abilities of Monitoring Networks Using Different Assessment Criteria. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes - HARMO15. HARMO, Madrid 2013. Download |
3. * Radek Hofman, Petr Pecha: Development of web-based environment for atmospheric dispersion modeling. International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis. American Nuclear Society, La Garde Park, Illinois, USA 2013. Download |
4. * Václav Šmídl, Radek Hofman: Adaptive Importance Sampling in Particle Filtering. Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Information Fusion. ISIF, Istanbul 2013. Download |
5. * Václav Šmídl, Radek Hofman: Navigation of UAVs for tracking of atmospheric release of radiatio. Proceedings of the 51st IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3098-3103. IEEE Computer Society, New York 2012. Download |
6. * Petr Pecha, E. Pechová, Radek Hofman: Variabilita a neurčitosti při odhadech ingesčních dávek. XXXIV. Dny radiační ochrany, 40-40. FJFI ČVUT, Třeboň 2012. Download |
7. * P. Kuča, Z. Prouza, I. Češpírová, B. Marešová, Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman: Modelování dopadů hypotetického úniku radionuklidů z jaderného zařízení aplikacemi ESTE a HARP. XXXIV. Dny radiační ochrany, 44-44. FJFI ČVUT, Třeboň 2012. Download |
8. * Radek Hofman, Petr Pecha: Webové prostředí pro atmosférické disperzní modelování. XXXIV. Dny radiační ochrany, 47-47. FJFI ČVUT, Třeboň 2012. Download |
9. * Radek Hofman, Václav Šmídl, Petr Pecha: Development of Real-Time Bayesian Data Assimilation System for Off-Site Consequence Assessment. 12th International Conference on Radiation Shielding & Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division of the American Nuclear Society, 37-37. Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Nara 2012. Download |
10. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman, E. Pechová: Software tool for assessmentof food contamination and food bans regulations. FOODSIM 2012: Simulation and modelling in the food and bio- industry, 1-5. EUROSIS-ETI Publication; Fraunhofer IVV, Freising, Freising, Germany 2012. Download |
11. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman: Construction of Observational Operator for Cloudshine Dose from Radioactive Cloud Drifting over the Terrain. Proceedings of the 14th Int. Conf. on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, 732-736. ETL , University of Macedonie, Macedonia 2011. Download |
12. * Radek Hofman, Václav Šmídl: Evaluation of Expected Consequences of a Nuclear Power Plant Accident using Sequential Monte Carlo. XXXIII Dni radiačnej ochrany, 111-112. Slovenská nukleárna spoločnost´, Bratislava 2011. |
13. * Radek Hofman, Petr Pecha: Application of regional environmental code HARP in the field of off-site consequence assessment. International Topical Meeting on Probability Safety Assessment and Analysis, 1-12. American Nuclear Society, Wilmington 2011. Download |
14. * Kamil Dedecius, Ivan Nagy, Radek Hofman: Modelling of Traffic Flow with Bayesian Autoregressive Model with Variable Partial Forgetting. CTU Workshop 2011, 1-11. ČVUT v Praze, Praha 2011. Download |
15. * Kamil Dedecius, Ivan Nagy, Radek Hofman: Modelling of Traffic Intensities. 18th Annual Conference Proceedings, Technical Computing Bratislava, 1-9. RT Systems s.r.o, Bratislava 2010. Download |
16. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman, Václav Šmídl: Simulation of Random 3-D Trajectories of the Toxic Plume Spreading over the Terrain. 5th WMO Symposium on Data Assimilation. Australian Government, Buerau of Meteorology, Melbourne 2009. Download |
17. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman, P. Kuča: Lessons learned from former radiation accidents on development of software tools for effective decision making support. Present and future of crisis management - 2009. T-SOFT a.s, Praha 2009. Download |
18. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman, P. Kuča, K. Zemánková: Models of aerial radioactive discharges - in a half-way to reality. XXXI. dny radiační ochrany, 73-73. ČVUT v Praze, Praha, 2009 2009. Download |
19. * Radek Hofman, Václav Šmídl: Assimilation of spatio-temporal distribution of radionuclides in early phase of radiation accident. XXXI. Dny radiační ochrany - sborník abstraktů, 74-74. FJFI ČVUT v Praze, Praha 2009. Download |
20. * Radek Hofman, Václav Šmídl, Petr Pecha: Data assimilation in early phase of radiation accident using particle filter. The Fifth WMO International Symposium on Data Assimilation, 1-8. Australian Government - Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne 2009. Download |
21. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman, Václav Šmídl: Bayesian tracking of the toxic plume spreading in the early stage of radiation accident. ESM'2009 The 2009 European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Modelling and Simulation '2009, 381-387. EUROSIS - ETI, Leicester 2009. Download |
22. * Radek Hofman: On-line estimation of atmospheric dispersion model parameters using sequential Monte Carlo methods. Proceedings of 10th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control, 1-6. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2009. Download |
23. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman: HARP - A Software Tool for Decision Support during Nuclear Emergenccies. TIES 2009 - the 20th Annual Conference of International Environmetrics Society, 81-82. University og Bologna, Bologna 2009. Download |
24. * Radek Hofman: Application of marginalized particle filter to linear-Gaussian problems with unknown model error covariance structure. Sborník workshopu doktorandů FJFI oboru Matematické inženýrství, 1-12. ČVUT, Praha 2008. Download |
25. * Radek Hofman: Application of advanced statistical methods in assessment of the late phase of a nuclear accident. Dny radiační ochrany /30/, 1-4. ČVUT, Praha 2008. Download |
26. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman, P. Kuča: Illustration of probabilistic approach in consequence assessment of accidental radioactive releases. Dny radiační ochrany /30/, 207-211. ČVUT, Praha 2008. Download |
27. * Radek Hofman: Exploitation of particle filter for forecast error covariance structure estimation. Proceedings of the 9th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control, Young Generation Viewpoint, 1-6. Jozef Stefan Institute, Izola 2008. Download |
28. * Radek Hofman, Petr Pecha: Data Assimilation of Model Predictions of Long-Time Evolution of CS-137 Deposition on Terrain. Proceeding of the IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium 2008, 1-4. IEEE, Boston 2008. Download |
29. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman: Fitting of segmented Gaussian plume model predictions on measured data. Proceedings of 22th European Simulation and Modelling Conference ESM'2008, 544-548. Eurosis, LeHavre 2008. Download |
30. * Radek Hofman, Petr Pecha, E. Pechová: A simplified approach for solution of time update problem during toxic waste spreading in the atmosphere. Hrvatski Meteorološki Časopis, 510-515. Hrvatsko meteorološko društvo, Zagreb 2008. Download |
31. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman, P. Kuča: Assimilation techniques in consequence assessment of accidental radioactivity releases - the way for increase of reliability of predictions. Proceedings of ECORAD-2008, 138-141. Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, Osteras 2008. |
32. * Radek Hofman: Assimilation scenario for long-term deposition of Cs-137. Proceedings of 8th Int. PhD Workshop on Systems and Control a Young Generation Viewpoint, 1-8. SZTAKI, Computer and Automation Research Institute, Budapest 2007. Download |
33. * Radek Hofman: ASIMILAČNÍ SUBSYSTÉM SYSTÉMU HARP - POPIS A PRAKTICKÁ IMPLEMNETACE. Dny radiační ochrany, 1-5. ČVUT, Praha 2007. Download |
34. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman: Integration of data assimilation subsystem into environmental model of harmful substances propagation. International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling /11./, 111-115. Cambridge Environment Research Institut, Cambridge 2007. Download |
35. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman, E. Pechová: Training simulator for analysis of environmental consequences of accidental radioactivity releases. Proc. of the 6th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 402-402. University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana 2007. Download |
36. * Petr Pecha, R. Hofman: Techniky empirické a statistické interpolace pro korekci modelů šíření znečistění. XXVIII. Dny radiační ochrany, 213-218. ČVUT, FJFI, Praha, Praha 2006. |
1. * Ondřej Tichý, Václav Šmídl, Lukáš Ulrych, Radek Hofman: Study on influence of the prior source term to linear inverse problem for atmospheric source term determination. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European geoscience union 2019. Download |
2. * Radek Hofman, Ondřej Tichý, Kateřina Šindelářová: Analysis of elevated I-131 samples observed in 2011 over Europe. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geosciences Union, Göttingen 2016. Download |
3. * Ondřej Tichý, Václav Šmídl, Radek Hofman: Bayesian estimation of a source term of radiation release with approximately known nuclide ratios. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geosciences Union, Göttingen 2016. Download |
4. * Radek Hofman, Václav Šmídl, Ondřej Tichý: Hierarchical Prior for Source Term Determination and Its Variational Bayes Estimation. CTBT: Science and Technology 2015, 142-142. CTBTO, Vienna 2015. Download |
5. * Václav Šmídl, Radek Hofman: Bayesian Estimation of Prior Variance in Source Term Determination. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 5563-5563. EGU, Vienna 2015. Download |
6. * Petr Pecha, Radek Hofman, E. Pechová: Rozvoj deterministické verze systému HARP a její pravděpodobnostní rozšíření. Research Report 2334. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2013. Download |
7. * Václav Šmídl, Radek Hofman, Petr Pecha: Data assimilation methods used in the ASIM module. Research Report . , Praha 2013. Download |
8. * Radek Hofman, Petr Pecha, Václav Šmídl: Distributed framework for modeling and reconstruction of nuclear accidents. Book of Abstracts of CTBT Science and Technology 2013 Conference, 63-63. CTBTO, Vienna 2013. Download |
9. * Václav Šmídl, Radek Hofman: Application of Sequential Monte Carlo Estimation for Early Phase of Radiation Accident. Research Report 2322. UTIA AV CR, v.v.i, Praha 2012. Download |
10. * Václav Šmídl, Radek Hofman: Bayesian Methods for Optimization of Radiation Monitoring Networks. Research Report 2315. UTIA AV CR, v.v.i, Praha 2011. Download |
11. * Radek Hofman, Petr Pecha, Václav Šmídl: Data assimilation methods for early and late phase of radiation accident - A comprehensive review with examples of methods examined within solution of the grant projet VG20102013018. Research Report . UTIA AV CR, Praha 2011. |
12. * Radek Hofman, Petr Pecha, Jiří Hošek: Comparison of numerical weather prediction models for purposes of atmospheric dispersion modeling within the grant project MV ČR VG20102013018. Research Report . UTIA, Praha 2011. |
13. * Radek Hofman: Application of Advanced Data Assimilation Methods in Off-site Consequence Assessment. ČTU v Praze, Praha 2011. Download |
14. * Petr Pecha, Petr Kuča, Irena Češpírová, Radek Hofman: Monitorování radiace v časné fázi nehody na jaderném zařízení - analýza všech typů měření použitelných pro korekci modelových předpovědí. Research Report 2302. ÚTIA, v.v.i, Praha 2011. Download |
15. * Radek Hofman, Kamil Dedecius: A Hybrid Filtering Methodology for Nonlinear Estimation. Abstracts of Contributions to 6th International Workshop on Data-Algorthms-Decision Making, 46-46. ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2010. Download |
16. * Radek Hofman, P. Kuča, Petr Pecha: Problémy s predikcí šíření radioaktivního znečistění při specifických meteorologických podmínkách. XXXII. Dny radiační ochrany - sborník abstraktů, 37-37. ČVUT, Praha 2010. Download |
17. * Radek Hofman, P. Kuča, Petr Pecha: Vliv variability povětrnostních podmínek na odhady důsledků dlouhodobých úniků radioaktivity. XXXII. Dny radiační ochrany - sborník abstraktů, 38-38. ČVUT, Praha 2010. Download |
18. * Radek Hofman, Václav Šmídl: EnKF within the Marginalized Particle Filter and Its Application for Adaptive Estimation of Inflation Factor. 2010 The Meeting of the Americas, 1-2. Americam Geophzsical Society 2010. Download |
19. * Radek Hofman, Petr Pecha, Václav Šmídl: Recent developments in exploitation of data assimilation in early and late phase of radiation accident. Abstracts of Contributions to 5th International Workshop on Data-Algorthms-Decision Making, 29-29. UTIA, AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2009. Download |
1. * Radek Hofman, Václav Šmídl, Lenka Pavelková: Proceedings of the 10th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control. UTIA, AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2009. |