1. * Vlasta Kaňková, Michal Houda: Thin and heavy tails in stochastic programming. Kybernetika 51:3 (2015), 433-456. Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i.. Download |
2. * Michal Houda, Vlasta Kaňková: Empirical Estimates in Economic and Financial Optimization Problems. Bulletin of the Czech Econometric Society 19:29 (2012), 50-69. Download |
3. * Michal Houda: Role of Dependence in Chance-constrained and Robust Programming. Acta Oeconomica Pragensia 15:4 (2007), 111-120. |
4. * Vlasta Kaňková, Michal Houda: Depandent samples in empirical estimation of stochastic programming problems. Austrian Journal of Statistics 35, 271-279. |
5. * Michal Houda: Using metrics in stability of stochastic programming problems. Acta Oeconomica Pragensia 13:1 (2005), 128-134. |
1. * Michal Houda: Use of the BCC and Range Directional DEA Models within an Efficiency Evaluation. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics, 180-185. Faculty of Business Economics, Mendel University, Brno 2020. Download |
2. * Michal Houda: A note on the use of copulas in chance-constrained programming. Proceedings of 32nd International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics MME 2014, 327-332. Palacký University, Olomouc 2014. Download |
3. * Michal Houda: Convexity in stochastic programming model with indicators of ecological stability. Proceedings of 30th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics, 314-319. Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karviná, Karviná 2012. Download |
4. * Michal Houda: Using indicators of ecological stability in stochastic programming. Mathematical Methods in Economics 2011, 279-283. Proffesional publishing, Prague 2011. |
5. * Michal Houda: Comparison of approximations in stochastic and robust optimization programs. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2006, 418-426. University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Plzeň 2006. |
6. * Michal Houda: Approximations of stochastic and robust optimization programs. Prague Stochastics 2006, 418-425. MATFYZPRESS, Praha 2006. |
7. * Vlasta Kaňková, Michal Houda: Empirical processes in stochastic programming. Prague Stochastics 2006, 426-436. MATFYZPRESS, Praha 2006. |
8. * Michal Houda: Estimation in chance-constrained problem. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2005, 134-139. Gaudeamus, Hradec Králové 2005. |
9. * Michal Houda: Wasserstein metrics and empirical distributions in stability of stochastic programs. Proceedings of the International Conference Quantitative Methods in Economics. (Multiple Criteria Decision Making XII), 71-77. University of Economics, Bratislava 2004. |
10. * Vlasta Kaňková, M. Houda: A note on quantitative stability and empirical estimates in stochastic programming. Operations Research Proceedings 2002, 413-418. Springer, Berlin 2003. |
1. * Michal Houda: Convexity and dependence in chance-constrained programming. Research Report 2190. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007. |
2. * Vlasta Kaňková, M. Houda: A Note on Quantitative Stability and Empirical Estimates in Stochastic Programming. Research Report 2054. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2002. |
3. * Vlasta Kaňková, M. Houda: A Remark on quantitative stability and empirical estimates in stochastic optimization. Abstract. International Conference on Operations Research 2002. Abstracts, 96. Univerität Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt 2002. |
4. * Vlasta Kaňková, M. Houda: Quantitative stability and empirical estimates in stochastic programming. Abstract. Abstracts of the 24th European Meeting of Statisticians & 14th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes, 233. Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Prague 2002. |