Publications - Martin Hromčík

Journal articles (2)

1. * Petr Kujan, Martin Hromčík, Michael Šebek: Complete Fast Analytical Solution of the Optimal Odd Single-Phase Multilevel Problem. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 57:7 (2010), 2382-2397. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.   Download
2. * Petr Kujan, M. Hromčík, Michael Šebek: Effective solution of a linear system with Chebyshev coefficients. Integral Transforms and Special Functions 20:8 (2009), 619-628.   Download

Conference papers (32)

1. * Jana Tauchmanová, Martin Hromčík: The first results of systems identification methods for fMRI data. PROCEEDINGS of the 17th International Conference on Process Control 2009, 194-199. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Institute of Information Engineering, Automation, and Mathematics, Bratislava 2009.   Download
2. * Petr Kujan, M. Hromčík, M. Šebek: Single-Phase Optimal Odd PWM Problem. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 371-378. IEEE, Piscataway 2008.
3. * Petr Kujan, Martin Hromčík, Michael Šebek: Solving the optimal PWM problem for odd symmetry waveforms. Preprints of the 17th IFAC World Congress, 8672-8677. IFAC, Laxenburg 2008.
4. * Martin Hromčík, Vladimír Kučera: Polynomial Toolbox 3.0: A Preview and a Case Study. Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2007, 4554-4560. ECC 2007, Atény 2007.
5. * Petr Kujan, Michael Šebek, Martin Hromčík: New Special System of Polynomial Equations for 3-phase Multilevel Voltage Converter Derived from the PWM Problem for 1-Phase Inverters. Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2007, 4568-4575. ECC 2007, Atény 2007.
6. * Petr Kujan, Michael Šebek, Martin Hromčík: Construction of New System of Polynomial Equations for 3-phase Multilevel Voltage Converter. Proceedings 16th International Conference Process Control 2007. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava 2007.
7. * Martin Hromčík, Vladimír Kučera: Polynomial Toolbox 3.0 and an H_2 Optimal Control Case Study. Proceedings 16th International Conference Process Control 2007. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava 2007.
8. * Petr Kujan, M. Hromčík, M. Šebek: Výpočet speciální soustavy polynomiálních rovnic pro vícehladinový konvertor. Setkání uživatelů systému Mathematica, 1-8. Elkan, Praha 2006.
9. * Martin Hromčík, Zdeněk Hurák, R. Frízel, M. Šebek: Banded matrix solvers and polynomial Diophantine equations. Proceedings of the Technical Computing Prague 2005 Conference, 151-159. ČVUT, Praha 2005.
10. * Petr Kujan, M. Hromčík, Michael Šebek: On computing determinants of large sylvester type matrices. Preprints of the 16th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, 1-6. IFAC, Prague 2005.
11. * Petr Kujan, M. Hromčík, Michael Šebek: Web-based MATHEMATICA platform for systems and control education. Proceedings of the 13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 376-381. IEEE, Limassol 2005.
12. * J. Lidinský, M. Hromčík, Michael Šebek: Numerical properties of a polynomial algorithm for solving scalar rational Bezout identity. Preprints of the 2nd Symposium on System, Structures and Control, 395-399. IFAC, Oaxaca 2004.
13. * J. Lidinský, M. Hromčík, Michael Šebek: New algorithm for doubly coprime factorization based on ordered real Schur form. Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 1-6. IEEE, Kusadasi 2004.
14. * P. Kujan, Martin Hromčík, M. Šebek, N. P. Karampetakis, E. N. Antoniou, S. Vologiannidis: Effective computations with 2-variable polynomial matrices in MATHEMATICA. Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Medeterranean Conferences on Control and Automation, 1-5. IEEE, Kusadasi 2004.
15. * Martin Hromčík, Zdeněk Hurák, M. Šebek: Polynomial matrix fractions as models of linear systems: Theory and software tools. Proceedings of the MATHMOD 2003 Conference, 101-111. TU Vienna, Vienna 2003.
16. * Martin Hromčík, Michael Šebek: MATLAB function for polynomial plus/minus factorization based on band structured matrix decomposition. MATLAB 2003. Sborník příspěvků 11. ročníku konference, 216-223. VŠCHT, Praha 2003.
17. * Martin Hromčík, Michael Šebek: Numerical algorithms for polynomial matrices. Sborník příspěvků konference MATLAB 02, 77-78. VŠCHT, Praha 2002.
18. * M. Hromčík, Jan Ježek, M. Šebek, Z. Hurák: Polynomial spectral factorization with complex coefficients. Preprints of the 15th Triennial World Congress of the IFAC. Pergamon, Oxford 2002.
19. * Didier Henrion, M. Hromčík, M. Šebek: Some algorithms used in the Polynomial Toolbox for Matlab. Proceedings of the NICONET Workshop on Numerical Control Software in Control Engineering, 71-76. NICONET, LouvainlaNeuve 2001.
20. * M. Hromčík, M. Šebek, Jan Ježek: Polynomial Toolbox . Sborník příspěvků 9.ročníku konference MATLAB 2001, 94-102. VŠCHT, Praha 2001.
21. * Jan Ježek, Martin Hromčík, Michael Šebek: New algorithm for spectral factorization and its application in signal processing. Proceedings of the 5th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering POSTER 2001, 127-128. FEL ČVUT, Praha 2001.
22. * Jan Ježek, M. Hromčík, M. Šebek: New algorithm for spectral factorization and its practical application. Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2001. EUCA, Porto 2001.
23. * Didier Henrion, M. Šebek, M. Hromčík: On computing the H_infinity-norm of a polynomial matrix fraction. Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2001. EUCA, Porto 2001.
24. * Jan Ježek, Martin Hromčík, Michael Šebek: Spectral factorization by means of discrete Fourier transform. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. MED 2000, 11-16. University of Patras, Patras 2000.
25. * Martin Hromčík, Michael Šebek: Numerical algorithms for polynomial matrices. Proceedings of the 4th Student International Conference on Electrical Engineering. POSTER 2000, 10-11. FEL ČVUT, Praha 2000.
26. * Martin Hromčík, Michael Šebek: Polynomial toolbox and control education. Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific-Technical Conference. Process Control 2000. ŘÍP 2000, 1-10. University of Pardubice, Pardubice 2000.
27. * Martin Hromčík, M. Šebek: Fast Fourier Transform and robustness analysis with respect to parametric uncertainties. Preprints of the 3rd IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design. ROCOND 2000. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2000.
28. * Michael Šebek, Martin Hromčík, Jan Ježek: Polynomial toolbox 2.5 and systems with parametric uncertainties. Preprints of the 3rd IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design. ROCOND 2000. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2000.
29. * Martin Hromčík, Michael Šebek: Numerical and symbolic computation of polynomial matrix determinant. Proceedings of the 38th Conference on Decision & Control. CDC '99, 1887-1888. IEEE Control Systems Society, Phoenix 1999.
30. * Martin Hromčík: Využití Polynomiálního Toolboxu. Sborník příspěvků 7. ročníku konference MATLAB '99, 66-72. VŠCHT, Praha 1999.
31. * Martin Hromčík, Michael Šebek: New algorithm for polynomial matrix determinant based on FFT. European Control Conference. ECC '99. VDI/VDE GMA, Karlsruhe 1999.
32. * Martin Hromčík, Michael Šebek: Polynomial Toolbox . Polynomial Systems Theory and Applications. Proceedings of the 1st EUROPOLY Workshop, 131-139. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow 1999.

Other publications (1)

1. * M. Hromčík, J. Lidinský, Michael Šebek: Numerical properties of a polynomial algorithm for solving scalar rational Bezout identity. Abstract. Book of Abstracts of the 2nd IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control, 48-49. IFAC, Oaxaca 2004.