Publications - Jiří Jarušek

Journal articles (13)

1. * Jiří Outrata, Jiří Jarušek, J. Stará: On Optimality Conditions in Control of Elliptic Variational Inequalities. Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 19:1 (2011), 23-42. Springer.
2. * Jiří Jarušek, Jiří Outrata: On sharp necessary optimality conditions in control of contact problems with strings. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 64:4 (2007), 1117-1128. Elsevier.
3. * Jiří Jarušek: Dynamic contact problems with given friction for viscoelastic bodies. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 46:3 (1996), 475-487. Springer.
4. * Jiří Jarušek: Regularity and optimal control of quasicoupled and coupled heating processes. Applications of Mathematics 41:2 (1996), 81-106. Springer.
5. * Jiří Jarušek, Ch. Eck: Dynamic contact problems with friction in linear viscoelasticity. Comptes Rendus de L Academie Des Sciences Serie I-Mathematique 322, 497-502.
6. * Jiří Jarušek: Dynamical contact problems for bodies with a singular memory. Bollettino della Unione Mathematica Italiana 7, 581-592.
7. * Jiří Jarušek: Solvability of the variational inequality for a drum with a memory vibrating in the presence of an obstacle. Bollettino della Unione Mathematica Italiana 7, 113-122.
8. * Jiří Jarušek: Solvability of unilateral hyperbolic problems involving viscoelasticity via penalization. Stability & Applied Analysis of Continuous Media 3:2 (1993), 129-140.
9. * Jiří Jarušek, J. Málek, J. Nečas, V. Šverák: Variational Inequality for a Viscous Drum Vibrating in the Presence of an Obstacle. Rendiconti di Matematica 12, 943-958.
10. * Jiří Jarušek: On the Regularity of Solutions of a Thermoelastic System under Noncontinuous Heating Regimes. Part III. Applications of Mathematics 37:4 (1992), 275-288. Springer.
11. * Jiří Jarušek: On the Regularity of Solutions of a Thermoelastic System under Noncontinuous Heating Regimes. Part II. Applications of Mathematics 36:3 (1991), 161-180.
12. * Jiří Jarušek: On the Regularity of Solutions of a Thermoelastic System under Noncontinuous Heating Regimes. Aplikace matematiky 35:6 (1990), 426-450.
13. * Jiří Jarušek: Contact problems with given time-dependent friction force in linear viscoelasticity. Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 31:2 (1990), 257-262.

Conference papers (1)

1. * Jiří Jarušek: Dynamical contact problems for viscoelastic bodies. Proceedings of the 2nd Contact Mechanics International Symposium, 25-32. Plenum Press, New York 1995.

Other publications (11)

1. * Jiří Jarušek, Ch. Eck: Dynamic contact problems with Coulomb friction for viscoelastic bodies. Existence of solutions for a general body. Conference on Analysis, Numerics and Applications of Differential and Integral Equations. Abstracts, -. University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart 1996.
2. * Ch. Eck, Jiří Jarušek: Existence results for contact problems with Coulomb friction. Conference on Analysis, Numerics and Applications of Differential and Integral Equations. Abstracts, -. University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart 1996.
3. * Jiří Jarušek, Ch. Eck: Existence theorem to a dynamic contact problem with friction. Prague Mathematical Conference 1996. Abstracts, 56. ICARIS, Praha 1996.
4. * Jiří Jarušek, Ch. Eck: Existence of a solution to a viscoelastic case of dynamic contact problems with Coulomb friction. Systems with Coulomb Friction. Abstracts, 40-41. University of Linköping, Vadstena 1996.
5. * Ch. Eck, Jiří Jarušek: Existence results for the static contact problem with Coulomb friction. Systems with Coulomb Friction. Abstracts, 42-43. University of Linköping, Vadstena 1996.
6. * Jiří Jarušek: Kontaktní úlohy v mechanice. Doktorská disertační práce. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1995.
7. * Jiří Jarušek: Kontaktní úlohy v mechanice. Research Report 1841. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1995.
8. * Jiří Jarušek: [Recenze]. Mathematica Bohemica 119:4 (1994), 447-448. Matematický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i..
9. * Jiří Jarušek: Optimální řízení termoelastických procesů V. ÚTIA ČSAV, Praha 1990.
10. * Jiří Jarušek: Optimální řízení termoelastických procesů IV. ÚTIA ČSAV, Praha 1989.
11. * Jiří Jarušek: Optimální řízení termoelastických procesů 3. ÚTIA ČSAV, Praha 1988.