1. * Ladislav Jirsa, Lenka Kuklišová Pavelková, Anthony Quinn: Bayesian transfer learning between uniformly modelled Bayesian filters. Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics : 16th International Conference, ICINCO 2019 Prague, Czech Republic, July 29-31, 2019, Revised Selected Papers, 151-168. Springer, Cham 2021. Download |
2. * Ladislav Jirsa, Lenka Kuklišová Pavelková, Anthony Quinn: Approximate Bayesian Prediction Using State Space Model with Uniform Noise. Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics : 15th International Conference, ICINCO 2018, Porto, Portugal, July 29-31, 2018, Revised Selected Papers, 552-568. Springer, Cham 2019. Download |
3. * Miroslav Kárný, Josef Böhm, Tatiana Valentine Guy, Ladislav Jirsa, Ivan Nagy, Petr Nedoma, Ludvík Tesař: Optimized Bayesian Dynamic Advising: Theory and Algorithms. Springer, London 2006. |
4. * J. Heřmanská, T. Blažek, H. Havlasová, Ladislav Jirsa, Miroslav Kárný, Jaroslav Zimák: Systém JODNEW - bayesovské sledování diagnostiky a terapie nemocí štítné žlázy pomocí 131 J. Průvodce verzí 3.3. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1996. |
1. * Lenka Kuklišová Pavelková, Ladislav Jirsa, Anthony Quinn: Fully probabilistic design for knowledge fusion between Bayesian filters under uniform disturbances. Knowledge-Based System 238. Elsevier. Download |
2. * Lenka Pavelková, Ladislav Jirsa: Recursive Bayesian estimation of autoregressive model with uniform noise using approximation by parallelotopes. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 31:8 (2017), 1184-1192. Wiley. Download |
3. * Ladislav Jirsa, F. Varga, A. Quinn: Identification of thyroid gland activity in radioiodine therapy. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 7:1 (2017), 23-33. Download |
4. * F. Varga, Ladislav Jirsa, J. Heřmanská, Miroslav Kárný, P. Vlček: Prior knowledge in estimation of bi-phase model of 131I accumulation in thyroid gland. Abstract. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 32, 42. Springer. Download |
5. * A. Quinn, P. Ettler, Ladislav Jirsa, I. Nagy, Petr Nedoma: Probabilistic advisory systems for data-intensive applications. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 17:2 (2003), 133-148. Wiley. |
6. * J. Heřmanská, Miroslav Kárný, J. Zimák, Ladislav Jirsa, M. Šámal: Improved prediction of therapeutic absorbed doses of radioiodine in the treatment of thyroid carcinoma. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 42:7 (2001), 1084-1090. Society of Nuclear Medicine. |
7. * J. Heřmanská, Miroslav Kárný, Ladislav Jirsa, M. Šámal, K. Zemanová, M. Křenek, J. Zimák, P. Vlček: Zlepšení předpovědi léčebné dávky dvoufázovým modelem kinetiky při léčbě karcinomů štítné žlázy pomocí 131I. Acta Radiobiologica 2:1 (2001), 28-29. |
8. * J. Heřmanská, K. Vošmiková, Ladislav Jirsa, Miroslav Kárný, M. Šámal: Biophysical inputs into the software "MIRDose". Sborník lékařský 99:4 (1998), 521-527. Download |
9. * J. Heřmanská, Miroslav Kárný, Tatiana Valentine Guy, Ladislav Jirsa: Biokinetics of 131 I in the human organism. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 209:2 (1996), 347-353. Springer. |
1. * Ladislav Jirsa, Lenka Kuklišová Pavelková, Anthony Quinn: Bayesian Filtering for States Uniformly Distributed on a Parallelotopic Support. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology 2019 (ISSPIT 2019). IEEE, Piscataway 2019. Download |
2. * Ladislav Jirsa, Lenka Pavelková, Anthony Quinn: Knowledge Transfer in a Pair of Uniformly Modelled Bayesian Filters. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2019). SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda, Setubal 2019. Download |
3. * Lenka Pavelková, Ladislav Jirsa: Approximate recursive Bayesian estimation of state space model with uniform noise. ICINCO 2018 : Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 388-394. INSTICC, SCITEPRESS., Setubal 2018. Download |
4. * Ladislav Jirsa, Lenka Pavelková: Estimation of Uniform Static Regression Model with Abruptly Varying Parameters. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 603-607. SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Portugal 2015. Download |
5. * Lenka Pavelková, Ladislav Jirsa: Evaluation of Processor Health within Hierarchical Condition Monitoring System. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 667-671. SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Portugal 2015. Download |
6. * P. Ettler, I. Puchr, Ladislav Jirsa, Lenka Pavelková: Probabilistic Inspection of Multimodally Distributed Signals. The 12th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies (CM 2015/MFPT 2015). The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, Oxford, UK 2015. Download |
7. * Ladislav Jirsa, Lenka Pavelková: Testing of Sensor Condition Using Gaussian Mixture Model. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 550-558. SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Portugal 2014. Download |
8. * Lenka Pavelková, Ladislav Jirsa: Evaluation of Sensor Signal Health Using Model with Uniform Noise. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 671-677. SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Portugal 2014. Download |
9. * Ladislav Jirsa, Lenka Pavelková, Kamil Dedecius: Preliminaries of probabilistic hierarchical fault detection. Preprints of the 3rd International Workshop on Scalable Decision Making held in conjunction with ECML/PKDD 2013. Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Prague 2013. Download |
10. * Kamil Dedecius, Ladislav Jirsa, Miroslav Pištěk: Bayesian averaging of regressive models. Proceedings of the 11th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control, 1-6. Faculty of Information Technology, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Maďarsko 2010. Download |
11. * Ladislav Jirsa, Miroslav Kárný, Ludvík Tesař: Iterative Formulation of Control Aims in Fully Probabilistic Design. Abstract of Contributions to 5th International Workshop on Data-Algorithms-Decision Making, 31-31. ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2009. Download |
12. * J. Vejvalka, T. Pejcha, F. Varga, M. Křenek, P. Vlček, Ladislav Jirsa: Building adisease-specific research database -longitudinal follow-up of thyroid cancer patients. Italian Association of Telemedicine and Medical Informatics --- 8th Congress, 111-111. Politecnico di Bari, Bari 2007. |
13. * Ladislav Jirsa, A. Quinn, F. Varga: Identification of Thyroid Gland Activity in Radiotherapy. Bayesian Statistics 8, 613-618. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2007. Download |
14. * Ladislav Jirsa, F. Varga, Miroslav Kárný, J. Heřmanská: Model of 131I biokinetics in thyroid gland and its implementation for estimation of absorbed doses. Proceedings of the 3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, 1-5. IFMBE, Prague 2005. Download |
15. * Ladislav Jirsa, F. Varga, Miroslav Kárný: Prior information in Bayesian identification of a linear regression model. Proceedings of the 6th International PhD Workshop in Systems and Control, Young Generation Viewpoint, 1-6. Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana 2005. Download |
16. * Ladislav Jirsa, A. Quinn: Mixture analysis of nuclear medicine data: Medical decision support. Irish Signals and Systems Conference 2001. Proceedings, 393-398. NUI Maynooth, Maynooth 2001. |
17. * J. Heřmanská, J. Zimák, Ladislav Jirsa, Miroslav Kárný, K. Vošmiková, J. Němec, T. Blažek: Initial experience with software system JODNEW for evaluation biophysical characteristics related to treatment of carcinoma of thyroid gland by 131I. Proceedings of the 21st Radiation Hygiene Days, 82-86. Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Bratislava 1998. |
18. * J. Heřmanská, Miroslav Kárný, Ladislav Jirsa, J. Němec: Evaluation of biophysical quantities related to the treatment of thyroid diseases. Quantitative Image Analysis in Functional Scintigraphic Imaging, 39-42. GAMAMED, Praha 1998. |
19. * L. Jirsa, J. Heřmanská, Miroslav Kárný: Towards feasible probabilistic estimation of signal on background. Proceedings of the 7th International IMEKO (TC-13) Conference, 149-151. IMEKO, Stará Lesná 1995. |
20. * J. Heřmanská, Miroslav Kárný, Tatiana Valentine Guy, L. Jirsa, T. Blažek, J. Němec: Biokinetics of 131I in human organism. Proceedings of the 19th Radiation Hygiene Days, 159-164. Slovak Medical Ass., Bratislava 1995. |
21. * J. Heřmanská, L. Jirsa, Miroslav Kárný: Effective half-life estimation: Bayesian solution. Radiation Protection Physics, 4. Technische Universität, Dresden 1994. |
1. * Eva Lainová, Lenka Kuklišová Pavelková, Ladislav Jirsa: Approximate Bayesian state estimation and output prediction using state-space model with uniform noise. Research Report 2381. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2019. Download |
2. * Ladislav Jirsa: Linear ARX and state-space model with uniform noise: computation of first and second moments. Research Report 2357. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2016. Download |
3. * Ladislav Jirsa, Lenka Pavelková: Normal and uniform noise - violation of the assumption on noise distribution in model identification. Research Report 2348. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2015. Download |
4. * Kamil Dedecius, Ladislav Jirsa: Bayesian Soft Sensing in Cold Sheet Rolling. Abstracts of Contributions to 6th International Workshop on Data-Algorthms-Decision Making, 45-45. ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2010. Download |
5. * Kamil Dedecius, Ladislav Jirsa: Impact of forgetting on models of rolling mills. Research Report 2283. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2010. Download |
6. * Ladislav Jirsa, Ludvík Tesař: Windsurfer, Fully Probabilistic Control Design and the Jobcontrol Package. Abstracts of Contributions to 4th International Workshop on Data-Algorithms-Decision Making, 38-38. ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2008. Download |
7. * M. Chudoba, Ladislav Jirsa: Transformation of data in the framework of dynamic decision making. Research Report 2226. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2008. |
8. * Ladislav Jirsa, F. Varga: Nuclear Medicine, Treatment of Thyroid Cancer and Mathematical Modelling. 3rd International Workshop on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making, 10-10. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007. |
9. * Ladislav Jirsa, A. Quinn, F. Varga: Identification of Thyroid Gland Activity and Probabilistic Estimation of Absorbed Doses in Nuclear Medicine. Research Report 2195. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007. Download |
10. * F. Varga, Ladislav Jirsa: Output parameters of the 131I bi-phasic vs. monoexponential biokinetics model in thyroid gland. Bratislavské lekárske listy 107:4 (2006), 177-177. |
11. * P. Sýkorová, P. Vlček, Ladislav Jirsa, K. Personová: Impact of TNM classification categories on thyroid gland carcinoma. Endocrine Abstracts 8th European Congress of Endocrinology incorporating the British Endocrine Societies, 938-938. BioScientifica, Glasgow 2006. |
12. * Ladislav Jirsa, A. Quinn, F. Varga: Identification of Thyroid Gland Activity in Radiotherapy. Valencia 8 ISBA 2006 World Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, 140-140. Universitat de Valencia, Valencia 2006. |
13. * K. Personová, P. Sýkorová, Ladislav Jirsa, J. Zimák, P. Vlček: Možnost predikce aplikované aktivity 131I při léčbě diferencovaných karcinomů štítné žlázy pomocí matematického modelu. Endokrinologické dny s mezinárodní účastí (28.), 164. VEDUTA, Olomouc 2005. Download |
14. * Ladislav Jirsa, F. Varga, Miroslav Kárný: Prior information in Bayesian identification of a linear regression model: inference and examples. Proceedings of Abstracts of the 6th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control a Young Generation Viewpoint, 38. Josef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana 2005. Download |
15. * Ladislav Jirsa, F. Varga, Miroslav Kárný, J. Heřmanská: Model of 131I Biokinetics in Thyroid Gland and its Implementation for Estimation of Absorbed Doses. Interní publikace - DAR - ÚTIA 2005/36. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2005. |
16. * F. Varga, Ladislav Jirsa, J. Heřmanská: Význam apriornej informácie pri modelovaní biokinetiky 131I v štítnej žl'aze. Abstrakt. Sborník abstraktů XXVI. dnů lékařské biofyziky, 80. UK 1.LF Praha, Praha 2003. |
17. * Petr Nedoma, Josef Böhm, Tatiana Valentine Guy, Ladislav Jirsa, Miroslav Kárný, Ivan Nagy, Ludvík Tesař, Josef Andrýsek: Mixtools: User's Guide. Research Report 2060. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2002. Download |
18. * J. Heřmanská, M. Šámal, J. Zimák, Ladislav Jirsa, Miroslav Kárný: Prediction of absorbed therapeutic dose from short diagnostic measurements. Abstract. Conference Abstracts of XXIII Days of Radiation Protection, 7-9. RPS of Czech Medical Association, Praha 2000. |
19. * J. Zimák, J. Heřmanská, Ladislav Jirsa, Miroslav Kárný, M. Šámal: Tets of new tools for probabilistic evaluation of radiation load of patients. Abstract. Conference Abstracts of XXIII Days of Radiation Protection, 3-4. RPS Czech Medical Association, Praha 2000. |
20. * J. Heřmanská, Miroslav Kárný, J. Zimák, Ladislav Jirsa, M. Šámal: Předpověď terapeutické dávky zlepšeným modelem kinetiky 131I. Abstrakt. Dny nukleární medicíny s mezinárodní účastí. Abstrakta, 29. Česká společnost nukleární medicíny ČLS JEP, České Budějovice 2000. |
21. * J. Augustinová, J. Heřmanská, J. Zimák, Ladislav Jirsa, Miroslav Kárný: Podklady pro hodnocení kinetiky 131I v provozu KNM FN v Motole. Abstrakt. Dny nukleární medicíny s mezinárodní účastí. Abstrakta, 15. Česká společnost nukleární medicíny ČLS JEP, České Budějovice 2000. |
22. * J. Zimák, J. Heřmanská, Ladislav Jirsa, Miroslav Kárný, P. Vlček: Pravděpodobnostní hodnocení radiační zátěže pacientů metodou MIRD. Abstrakt. Dny nukleární medicíny s mezinárodní účastí. Abstrakta, 30. Česká společnost nukleární medicíny ČLS JEP, České Budějovice 2000. |
23. * J. Heřmanská, Miroslav Kárný, J. Zimák, Ladislav Jirsa, M. Šámal: Improved Correspondence between Projected and Measured Doses of I-131 Using the New Kinetic Model. Abstract. Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 917. Springer, Berlin 2000. |
24. * Ladislav Jirsa: Advanced Bayesian Processing of Clinical Data in Nuclear Medicine. Ph.D. Thesis. 1999. Download |
25. * Ladislav Jirsa: Description of Data Conversion and Management in the Joint Project with the Clinic of Nuclear Medicine, Motol Hospital, Prague (Grant IGA MZ ČR 4581-3). Research Report 1979. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1999. |
26. * Ladislav Jirsa, Miroslav Kárný, M. Šámal: Preliminary Experiments with Biophysical Data. Research Report 1972. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1999. |
27. * J. Heřmanská, J. Zimák, Ladislav Jirsa, Miroslav Kárný, P. Racek: Dose prediction during 131I treatment of thyroid cancer. Abstract. Days of Radiation Hygiene. Abstracts, 38-39. Radiation Protection Society, Praha 1999. |
28. * J. Zimák, J. Heřmanská, Ladislav Jirsa, Miroslav Kárný: A tool for evaluating dosimetry-related quantities. Abstract. Days of Radiation Hygiene. Abstracts, 124-125. Radiation Protection Society, Praha 1999. |
29. * J. Zimák, J. Heřmanská, Ladislav Jirsa, Miroslav Kárný: Programový systém JodNew. Abstrakt. Dny nukleární medicíny. Abstrakta, 88. Dům techniky, Ostrava 1999. |
30. * J. Heřmanská, T. Blažek, P. Vlček, Miroslav Kárný, Ladislav Jirsa: Některé biofyzikální parametry ovlivňující léčbu radiojodem. Abstrakt. Zborník prác z XXII. Dní lekárskej biofyziky s medzinárodnou účasťou, 43-44. Lekárska fakulta UPJŠ, Košice 1999. |
31. * J. Heřmanská, J. Zimák, Ladislav Jirsa, Albert Regner, Miroslav Kárný: Kvalita vstupu do MIRD při léčebném využití 131I. Abstrakt. Dny nukleární medicíny. Abstrakta, 26. Dům techniky, Ostrava 1999. |
32. * J. Heřmanská, T. Blažek, Miroslav Kárný, Tatiana Valentine Guy, Ladislav Jirsa: Modelování kinetiky 131 J při léčbě nemocí štítné žlázy. Sborník abstraktů XIX. dnů lékařské biofyziky, 13-14. Masarykova univerzita, Brno 1996. |
33. * J. Heřmanská, Miroslav Kárný, L. Jirsa, T. Blažek: Problematika odhadování a predikce v nukleární medicíně. Abstrakt. Sborník Biofyzikální dny, 25. Společnost nukleární medicíny, Olomouc 1995. |
34. * J. Heřmanská, J. Zimák, L. Jirsa, Miroslav Kárný, J. Němec, T. Blažek: Dozimetrické veličiny v tyroidální diagnostice a terapii. Abstrakt. 32. konference Dny nukleární medicíny, 8. Společnost nukleární medicíny, Košice 1995. |
1. * J. Vejvalka, T. Pejcha, P. Vlček, M. Křenek, Ladislav Jirsa: Database Cathy - longitudinal follow-up of thyroid cancer patients. 2008. |
2. * Ladislav Jirsa, F. Varga, A. Quinn: Probabilistic estimation of radiation dose with few noisy measurements of activity. 2007. |
3. * Květoslav Belda, Ludvík Tesař, Roman Kytka, Ladislav Jirsa, Tatiana Valentine Guy, Miroslav Novák: 4th International PhD Workshop Information Technologies & Control. Young Generation Viewpoint. 2003. |