1. * Michal Kočvara: Truss topology design by conic linear optimization. Advances and Trends in Optimization with Engineering Applications, 135-147. SIAM, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia 2017. Download |
2. * Michal Kočvara, M. Stingl: PENNON: Software for Linear and Nonlinear Matrix Inequalities. Handbook on Semidefinite, Conic and Polynomial Optimization, 755-791. Springer, New York 2012. Download |
3. * Michal Kočvara, Martin Kružík, Jiří Outrata: On the control of an evolutionary equilibrium in micromagnetics. Optimalization with Multivalued Mappings: Theory, Applications and Aldorithms, 143-168. Springer, Berlin 2006. |
4. * J. Zowe, Michal Kočvara: Free material optimization. Mathematics - Key Technology for the Future, 573-583. Springer, Heidelberg 2003. |
5. * Jiří Outrata, Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe: Nonsmooth Approach to Optimization Problems with Equilibrium Constraints. Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications. 28. Kluwer, Dordrecht 1998. |
6. * Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: On the solution of optimum design problems with variational inequalities. Recent Advances in Nonsmooth Optimization, 172-192. World Scientific, Singapore 1995. |
1. * Marek Tyburec, Michal Kočvara, Martin Kružík: Global weight optimization of frame structures with polynomial programming. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 66. Download |
2. * Ch. P. Ho, Michal Kočvara, P. Parpas: Newton-type multilevel optimization method. Optimization Methods & Software 37:1 (2022), 45-78. Taylor & Francis. Download |
3. * Michal Kočvara: Decomposition of arrow type positive semidefinite matrices with application to topology optimization. Mathematical Programming 190, 105-134. Springer. Download |
4. * A. Brune, Michal Kočvara: On Barrier and Modified Barrier Multigrid Methods for Three-Dimensional Topology Optimization. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42:1 (2020). SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Download |
5. * Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: Inverse truss design as a conic mathematical program with equilibrium constraints. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical systems - Series S 10:6 (2017), 1329-1350. AIMS Press. Download |
6. * Michal Kočvara, Y. Xia, Y. Nesterov: A Subgradient Method for Free Material Design. SIAM Journal on Optimization 26:4 (2016), 2314-2354. SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Download |
7. * Michal Kočvara, S. Mohammed: Primal-Dual Interior Point Multigrid Method for Topology Optimization. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38:5 (2016). SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Download |
8. * Michal Kočvara, S. Mohammed: A first-order multigrid method for bound-constrained convex optimization. Optimization Methods & Software 31:3 (2016), 622-644. Taylor & Francis. Download |
9. * Michal Kočvara, D. Loghin, J. Turner: Constraint interface preconditioning for topology optimization problems. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38:1 (2016). SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Download |
10. * Y.-B. Zhao, Michal Kočvara: A New Computational Method for the Sparsest Solutions to Systems of Linear Equations. SIAM Journal on Optimization 25:2 (2015), 1110-1134. SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Download |
11. * Michal Kočvara, M. Stingl: Solving stress constrained problems in topology and material optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 46:1 (2012), 1-15. Download |
12. * J. Haslinger, Michal Kočvara, G. Leugering, M. Stingl: Multidisciplinary Free Material Optimization. Siam Journal on Applied Mathematics 7:70 (2010), 2709-2728. SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Download |
13. * M. Stingl, Michal Kočvara, G. Leugering: Free Material Optimization with Fundamental Eigenfrequency Constraints. SIAM Journal on Optimization 20:1 (2009), 524-547. SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. |
14. * P. Beremlijski, J. Haslinger, Michal Kočvara, R. Kučera, Jiří Outrata: Shape Optimization in Three-Dimensional Contact Problems with Coulomb Friction. SIAM Journal on Optimization 20:1 (2009), 416-444. SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. |
15. * Michal Kočvara, M. Stingl: On the solution of large-scale SDP problems by the modified barrier method using iterative solvers: Erratum. Mathematical Programming 120:1 (2009), 285-287. Springer. |
16. * M. Stingl, Michal Kočvara, G. Leugering: A Sequential Convex Semidefinite Programming Algorithm for Multiple-Load Free Material Optimization. SIAM Journal on Optimization 20:1 (2009), 130-155. SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. |
17. * Michal Kočvara, M. Stingl, J. Zowe: Free material optimization: recent progress. Optimization 57:1 (2008), 79-100. Taylor & Francis. |
18. * W. Achtziger, Michal Kočvara: Structural Topology Optimization with Eigenvalues. SIAM Journal on Optimization 18:4 (2007), 1129-1164. SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. |
19. * W. Achtziger, Michal Kočvara: On the Maximization of the Fundamental Eigenvalue in Topology Optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 34:3 (2007), 181-195. |
20. * Michal Kočvara, M. Stingl: Free material optimization for stress constraints. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 33, 323-335. |
21. * Michal Kočvara, M. Stingl: On the solution of large-scale SDP problems by the modified barrier method using iterative solvers. Mathematical Programming 109, 413-444. Springer. |
22. * Michal Kočvara, A. Mielke, Tomáš Roubíček: A rate-independent approach to the delamination problem. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 11:4 (2006), 423-447. Sage. |
23. * Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: Effective reformulations of the truss topology design problem. Optimization and Engineering 7:2 (2006), 201-219. Springer. |
24. * Michal Kočvara, M. Stingl: Solving nonconvex SDP problems of structural optimization with stability control. Optimization Methods & Software 19:5 (2004), 595-609. Taylor & Francis. |
25. * Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: Optimization problems with equilibrium constraints and their numerical solution. Mathematical Programming 101:1 (2004), 119-149. Springer. |
26. * Michal Kočvara, M. Stingl: PENNON: A code for convex nonlinear and semidefinite programming. Optimization Methods & Software 18:3 (2003), 317-333. Taylor & Francis. |
27. * U. Kirsch, Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe: Accurate reanalysis of structures by a preconditioned conjugate gradient method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 55:2 (2002), 233-251. Wiley. |
28. * P. Beremlijski, J. Haslinger, Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: Shape optimization in contact problems with Coulomb friction. SIAM Journal on Optimization 13:2 (2002), 561-587. SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. |
29. * Michal Kočvara: A fast iterative algorithm for American option pricing. Solutions 6:1 (2002), 57-66. |
30. * H. R. E. M. Hörnlein, Michal Kočvara, R. Werner: Material optimization: bridging the gap between conceptual and preliminary design. Aerospace Science and Technology 5:1 (2001), 541-554. Elsevier. |
31. * A. Ben-Tal, F. Jarre, Michal Kočvara, A. Nemirovski, J. Zowe: Optimal design of trusses under a nonconvex global buckling constraint. Optimization and Engineering 1:2 (2000), 189-213. Springer. |
32. * A. Ben-Tal, Michal Kočvara, A. Nemirovski, J. Zowe: Free material design via semidefinite programming: The multiload case with contact conditions. SIAM Review 42:4 (2000), 695-715. |
33. * A. H. Siddiqi, P. Manchanda, Michal Kočvara: An iterative two-step algorithm for American option pricing. IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Business and Industry 11:2 (2000), 71-84. |
34. * J. Haslinger, Michal Kočvara, Tomáš Roubíček: Optimal control of distributed parameter systems. ERCIM News, 24-25. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics. |
35. * Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe, A. Nemirovski: Cascading - an approach to robust material optimization. Computers and Structures 76, 431-442. Elsevier. |
36. * A. Ben-Tal, Michal Kočvara, A. Nemirovski, J. Zowe: Free material design via semidefinite programming: The multiload case with contact conditions. SIAM Journal on Optimization 9:4 (1999), 813-832. SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. |
38. * Michal Kočvara, M. Zibulevsky, J. Zowe: Mechanical design problems with unilateral contact. E S A I M: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 32:3 (1998), 255-282. |
39. * F. Jarre, Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe: Optimal truss design by interior-point methods. SIAM Journal on Optimization 8:4 (1998), 1084-1107. SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. |
40. * W. Achtziger, Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe: Von der Mathematik zum automatisierten Design. FAU UniKurier 22:94 (1996), 23-25. |
41. * Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: On a class of quasi-variational inequalities. Optimization Methods & Software 5, 275-295. Taylor & Francis. |
42. * Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: On optimization of systems governed by implicit complementarity problems. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 15, 869-887. Taylor & Francis. |
43. * Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe: An iterative two-step algorithm for linear complementarity problems. Numerische Mathematik 68:1 (1994), 95-106. |
44. * J. Haslinger, K. H. Hoffmann, Michal Kočvara: Control Fictitious Domain Method for Solving Optimal Shape Design Problems. E S A I M: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 27:2 (1993), 157-182. |
45. * Michal Kočvara: An Adaptive Multigrid Technique for Three-Dimensional Elasticity. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 36:10 (1993), 1703-1716. Wiley. |
46. * Michal Kočvara: An Iterative Method for Adaptive Finite Element Computation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 101, 433-442. Elsevier. |
47. * Michal Kočvara: An Algebraic Study of a Local Multigrid Method for Variational Problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation 51:1 (1992), 17-41. Elsevier. |
1. * J. Plier, F. Savarino, Michal Kočvara, S. Petra: First-order geometric multilevel optimization for discrete tomography. Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 8th International Conference, SSVM 2021, 191-203. Springer, Cham 2021. Download |
2. * J. Turner, Michal Kočvara, D. Loghin: A Nonlinear Domain Decomposition Technique for Scalar Elliptic PDEs. Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXI, 869-877. Springer, Cham 2014. Download |
3. * James Turner, Michal Kočvara, Daniel Loghin: Parallel Solution of the Linear Elasticity problem with Applications in Topology Optimization. 4th Annual BEAR PGR Conference 2013, 66-74. University of Birmingham, Birmingham 2013. Download |
4. * M. Stingl, Michal Kočvara, G. Leugering: A new method for the solution of multi-disciplinary free material opimization problems. Oberwolfach Reports, 647-648. EMS Publishing House, Zurich 2008. |
5. * Michal Kočvara, M. Stingl: Free material opimization: towards the stress constraints. Oberwolfach Reports, 620-621. EMS Publishing House, Zurich 2008. |
6. * Michal Kočvara, M. Stingl: The worst-case multiple-load FMO problem revised. IUTAM Symposium on Topological Design Optimization of Structures, Machines and Materials, 403-411. Springer, Heidelberg 2006. |
7. * D. Henrion, J. Loefberg, Michal Kočvara, M. Stingl: Solving polynomial static output feedback problems with PENBMI. Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, and the European Control Conference 2005, 7581-7586. IEEE, Piscataway 2006. |
8. * Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: On the modeling and control of delamination processes. Control and Boundary Analysis. Proceedings, 171-190. Marcel Dekker, New York 2004. |
9. * Michal Kočvara, M. Stingl: PENNON. A generalized augmented Lagrangian method for semidefinite programming. High Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear Optimization, 297-315. Kluwer, Dordrecht 2003. |
10. * Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe: Free material optimization: an overview. Trends in Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 181-215. Kluwer, Dordrecht 2002. |
11. * H. R. E. M. Hörnlein, Michal Kočvara: Free material optimization: Reading the tea leaves. Proceedings of the 2nd Max Planck Workshop on Engineering Design Optimization, 2-5. Technical University, Lyngby 2001. |
12. * Michal Kočvara, H. R. E. M. Hörnlein: MOPED - An integrated designer tool for material optimization. CEAS Conference on Multidisciplinary Aircraft Design and Optimization, 87-96. DGLR, Bonn 2001. |
13. * Jiří Outrata, M. Kočvara: On exterior penalties in equilibrium problems. Operations Research. Proceedings 1996, 37-42. Springer, Berlin 1997. |
14. * M. Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: A nonsmooth approach to optimization problems with equilibrium constraints. Complementarity and Variational Problems, 148-164. SIAM, Philadelphia 1997. |
15. * Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe: How mathematics can help in design of mechanical structures. Numerical Analysis 1995, 76-93. Longman, Harlow 1996. |
16. * Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe: How to optimize mechanical structures simultaneously with respect to topology and geometry. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 135-140. Elsevier, Oxford 1995. |
17. * Michal Kočvara, Miroslav Rozložník, L. S. Xanthis: On iterative solvers for the method of arbitrary lines. Proceedings of the Second Hellenic European Conference on Mathematics and Informatics, 261-272. Hellenic Mathematical Society, Athens 1994. |
18. * Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: A numerical approach to the design of masonry structures. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. 197. System Modelling and Optimization. Proceedings of the 16th IFIP-TC7 Conference, 195-205. Springer, London 1994. |
19. * Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: Shape optimization of elasto-plastic bodies governed by variational inequalities. Boundary Control and Boundary Variation, 261-271. Dekker, New York 1994. |
20. * Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe: A Combined SORP-PCG Algorithm for Linear Complementarity Problems. Proceedings of the Seminar Numerical Mathematics in Theory and Practice, 97-104. JČMF, Praha 1993. |
21. * A. Ben-Tal, Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe: A Nonsmooth Approach to Simultaneous Geometry and Topology Design of Trusses. NATO ASI Series. . Topology Design of Structures, 31-42. Kluwer Academic, Leuven 1993. |
22. * Michal Kočvara: An Iterative Method for Adaptive Finite Element Computation. Reliability in Computational Mechanics, 433-442. NorthHolland, Amsterdam 1993. |
23. * Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe: Dva nové přístupy k optimalizaci příhradových konstrukcí. Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 6, 52-62. MÚ ČSAV, Praha 1992. |
24. * Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: A Nondifferentiable Approach to the Solution of Optimum Design Problems with Variational Inequalities. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. 180. 15th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, 364-373. Springer, Berlin 1992. |
25. * Michal Kočvara: LAME: lokální adaptivní multigrid pro elasticitu. Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 5, 68-75. MÚ ČSAV, Praha 1991. |
26. * Michal Kočvara: Local Multigrid Method for Adaptive Finite Element Computations. Mathematical Modelling in Engineering, 41-42. ČVUT, Praha 1991. |
27. * Michal Kočvara: LAME - Local Adaptive Multigrid for 3D Elasticity. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Engineering, 231-236. ŠKODA k.p., Plzeň 1991. |
28. * Michal Kočvara: Řešení úlohy pružnosti na mnohostěnech. Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky, 27-34. MÚ ČSAV, Praha 1988. |
1. * J. Fiala, Michal Kočvara, M. Stingl: PENLAB: A MATLAB solver for nonlinear semidefinite optimization. Technical Report . Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge 2013. Download |
3. * Michal Kočvara, A. Mielke, Tomáš Roubíček: A Rate-Independent Approach to the Delamination Problem. Research Report 2003/29. Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart 2003. |
4. * Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: Optimization Problems with Equilibrium Constraints and Their Numerical Solution. Research Report 298. Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Erlangen 2003. |
5. * D. Henrion, Michal Kočvara, M. Stingl: Solving Simultaneous Stabilization BMI Problems with PENNON. Research Report 3549. LAASCNRS, Toulouse 2003. |
6. * M. Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: On the Modeling and Control of Delamination Processes. Research Report 299. Universität ErlangenNürnberg, Erlangen 2003. |
7. * Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: Unique Reformulation of Truss Topology Design Problems. Research Report 297. Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Erlangen 2002. |
8. * Michal Kočvara, M. Stingl: PENNON - A Code for Convex Nonlinear and Semidefinite Programming. Research Report 290. Universität Erlangen, Erlangen 2002. |
9. * Michal Kočvara, M. Stingl: PENNON - A Generalized Augmented Lagrangian Method for Semidefinite Programming. Research Report 286. Universität Erlangen, Erlangen 2001. |
10. * P. Beremlijski, J. Haslinger, Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: Shape Optimization in Contact Problems with Coulomb Friction. Research Report 282. University of Erlangen, Erlangen 2001. |
11. * U. Kirsch, Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe: Accurate Reanalysis of Structures by a Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method. Research Report 281. University of Erlangen, Erlangen 2001. |
12. * H. Hoernlein, Michal Kočvara, R. Werner: MOPED - An Integrated Designer Tool for Material Optimization. Research Report 279. Universität Erlangen, Erlangen 2001. |
13. * Michal Kočvara: Modern Optimization Algorithms in Topology Design. Research Report 263. Universität Erlangen, Erlangen 2000. |
14. * Michal Kočvara: On the Modelling and Solving of the Truss Design Problem with Global Stability Constraints. Research Report 252. Universität Erlangen, Erlangen 1999. |
15. * A. Ben-Tal, F. Jarre, Michal Kočvara, A. Nemirovski, J. Zowe: Optimal Design of Trusses under a Nonconvex Global Buckling Constraint. Research Report 253. Universität Erlangen, Erlangen 1999. |
16. * A. H. Siddiqi, P. Manchanda, Michal Kočvara: An Iterative Two-Step Algorithm for American Option Pricing. Research Report 241. Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Erlangen 1998. |
17. * F. Jarre, Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe: Interior Point Methods for Mechanical Design Problems. Research Report 173. Universität Erlangen, Erlangen 1996. |
18. * Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe: How Mathematics Can Help in Design of Mechanical Structures. Research Report 171. Universität Erlangen, Erlangen 1996. |
19. * Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: A Nonsmooth Approach to Optimization Problems with Equilibrium Constraints. Research Report 175. Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Erlangen 1996. |
20. * Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: On Optimization of Systems Governed by Implicit Complementarity Problems. Research Report 513. Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Jena 1994. |
21. * Michal Kočvara: Local Multigrid Methods for Elliptic Problems. CSc.Dissertation. MÚ AV ČR, Praha 1993. |
22. * Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: A Numerical Solution of Two Selected Shape Optimization Problems. Research Report 464. Mathematisches Institut, Bayreuth 1993. |
23. * Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe: An Iterative Two-Step Algorithm for Linear Complementarity Problems. Research Report 446. Mathematisches Institut, Bayreuth 1993. |
24. * Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: On the Solution of Optimum Design Problems with Variational Inequalities. Research Report 434. Mathematisches Institut, Bayreuth 1993. |
25. * A. Ben-Tal, Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe: Two Nonsmooth Approaches to Simultaneous Geometry and Topology Design of Trusses. Research Report 383. Mathematisches Institut, Bayreuth 1992. |
26. * A. Ben-Tal, Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe: QP3 and CGO: Programs for Solving Truss Optimization Problems. Research Report 343. Mathematisches Institut, Bayreuth 1991. |
27. * Michal Kočvara, J. Zowe: Codes for Truss Topology Design: A Numerical Comparison. Research Report 344. Mathematisches Institut, Bayreuth 1991. |
28. * Michal Kočvara: An Iterative Method for Adaptive Finite Element Computation. ÚTIA ČSAV, Praha 1991. |
29. * Michal Kočvara, Jiří Outrata: A Nondifferentiable Approach to the Solution of Optimum Design Problems with Variational Inequalities. System Modelling and Optimization. Abstracts, 202-203. IFIP, Zürich 1991. |
30. * J. Haslinger, K. H. Hoffmann, Michal Kočvara: Control/Fictitious Domain Method for Solving Optimal Shape Design Problems. Institut für Mathematik, Augsburg 1991. |
1. * A. H. Siddiqi, Michal Kočvara: Trends in Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics of the Indian Subcontinent. Applied Optimization. . Kluwer, Dordrecht 2002. |