Publications - Tomáš Kroupa

Books and chapters (6)

1. * T. Flaminio, Tomáš Kroupa: States of MV-algebras. Handbook of Mathematical Fuzzy Logic, 1183-1236. College Publications, London 2015.   Download
2. * Tomáš Kroupa, M. Vlach: Basic Solutions of Fuzzy Coalitional Games. Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence, 145-156. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin 2015.   Download
3. * T. Flaminio, L. Godo, Tomáš Kroupa: Belief functions on MV-algebras of fuzzy sets: an overview. Non-Additive Measures: Theory and Applications, 173-200. Springer, Cham 2013.   Download
4. * Tomáš Kroupa: A Generalized Moebius Transform of Games on MV-algebras and Its Application to a Cimmino-type Algorithm for the Core. Optimization Theory and Related Topics, 139-158. American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island 2012.   Download
5. * Tomáš Kroupa: Comments on Reasoning about Uncertainty of Fuzzy Events: An Overview by Tommaso Flaminio, Lluıs Godo, and Enrico Marchioni. Understanding Vagueness. Logical, Philosophical and Linguistic Perspectives, 401-403. College Publications, London 2011.
6. * Tomáš Kroupa: Geometry of Cores of Submodular Coherent Upper Probabilities and Possibility Measures. Soft Methods for Handling Variability and Imprecision, 306-312. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2008.   Download

Journal articles (23)

1. * Tomáš Kroupa, Milan Studený: Facets of the cone of totally balanced games. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 90:2 (2019), 271-300. Springer.   Download
2. * M. Grabisch, Tomáš Kroupa: The cone of supermodular games on finite distributive lattices. Discrete Applied Mathematics 260:1 (2019), 144-154. Elsevier.   Download
3. * Tomáš Kroupa: Ordered group-valued probability, positive operators, and integral representations. Algebra Universalis 79. Springer.   Download
4. * Tomáš Kroupa, B. Teheux: Modal extensions of Lukasiewicz logic for modelling coalitional power. Journal of Logic and Computation 27:1 (2017), 129-154.   Download
5. * Lukáš Adam, T. Kroupa: The Intermediate Set and Limiting Superdi erential for Coalition Games: Between the Core and the Weber Set. International Journal of Game Theory 46:4 (2017), 891-918. Springer.   Download
6. * Milan Studený, Tomáš Kroupa: Core-based criterion for extreme supermodular functions. Discrete Applied Mathematics 206:1 (2016), 122-151. Elsevier.   Download
7. * Libor Běhounek, Petr Cintula, C. Fermüller, Tomáš Kroupa: Representing Strategic Games and Their Equilibria in Many-Valued Logics. Logic Journal of the IGPL 24:3 (2016), 238-267. Oxford University Press.
8. * Tomáš Kroupa, Ondrej Majer: Optimal strategic reasoning with McNaughton functions. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 55:6 (2014), 1458-1468. Elsevier.
9. * Petr Cintula, Tomáš Kroupa: Simple games in Lukasiewicz calculus and their cores. Kybernetika 49:3 (2013), 404-419. Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i..   Download
10. * Tomáš Kroupa: Extension of belief functions to infinite-valued events. Soft Computing 16:11 (2012), 1851-1861. Springer.   Download
11. * Tomáš Kroupa: States in Lukasiewicz logic correspond to probabilities of rational polyhedra. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 53:4 (2012), 435-446. Elsevier.
12. * Miroslav Kárný, Tomáš Kroupa: Axiomatisation of fully probabilistic design. Information Sciences 186:1 (2012), 105-113. Elsevier.   Download
13. * Tomáš Kroupa: Core of Coalition Games on MV-algebras. Journal of Logic and Computation 21:3 (2011), 479-492.   Download
14. * Tomáš Kroupa, D. Butnariu: Enlarged cores and bargaining schemes in games with fuzzy coalitions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 160:5 (2009), 635-643. Elsevier.   Download
15. * Tomáš Kroupa: Filters in Fuzzy Class Theory. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 159:14 (2008), 1773-1787. Elsevier.
16. * Tomáš Kroupa: Geometry of possibility measures on finite sets. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 48:1 (2008), 237-245. Elsevier.
17. * D. Butnariu, Tomáš Kroupa: Shapley mappings and the cumulative value for n-person games with fuzzy coalitions. European Journal of Operational Research 186:1 (2008), 288-299. Elsevier.
18. * Tomáš Kroupa: Representation and extension of states on MV-algebras. Archive for Mathematical Logic 45:4 (2006), 381-392. Springer.
19. * Tomáš Kroupa: Application of the Choquet integral to measures of information in possibility theory. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 21:3 (2006), 349-359. Wiley.
20. * Tomáš Kroupa: Many-dimensional observables on Lukasiewicz tribe: Constructions, conditioning and conditional independence. Kybernetika 41:4 (2005), 451-468. Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i..
21. * Tomáš Kroupa: Conditional probability on MV-algebras. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 149:2 (2005), 369-381. Elsevier.
22. * Tomáš Kroupa: Conditional independence in probability theory on MV-algebras. Soft Computing 8:8 (2004), 534-538. Springer.
23. * Tomáš Kroupa: On application of Choquet integral in possibilistic information theory. Neural Network World 13:5 (2003), 541-548. Ústav informatiky AV ČR, v. v. i..

Conference papers (25)

1. * Milan Studený, Tomáš Kroupa, Václav Kratochvíl: On attempts to characterize facet-defining inequalities of the cone of exact games. Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES’18), 177-187. MatfyzPress, Publishing House of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University, Praha 2018.   Download
2. * Lukáš Adam, T. Kroupa: Computing Superdifferentials of Lovász Extension with Application to Coalitional Game. Communications in Computer and Information Science 610. Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 2016), 35-45. Springer International, Cham 2016.   Download
3. * Tomáš Kroupa, B. Teheux: Reasoning about Coalitional Effectivity in Modal Extension of Lukasiewicz Logic. Proceedings of the eleventh conference on logic and the foundations of games and decision theory (LOFT 2014). University of Bregen, Bergen 2014.   Download
4. * Tomáš Kroupa: MV-Algebraic Moebius Transform on the Vietoris Space. TACL 2013. Sixth International Conference on Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic, 129-132. EasyChair Conference System, University of Manchester 2014.   Download
5. * T. Flaminio, L. Godo, Tomáš Kroupa: Combination and Soft-Normalization of Belief Functions on MV-Algebras. 9th International Conference on Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence MDAI 2012, 23-34. Springer, Heidelberg 2012.   Download
6. * T. Flaminio, Tomáš Kroupa: Characterization of Generalized Necessity Functions in Lukasiewicz Logic. Nonlinear Mathematics for Uncertainty and its Applications, 619-626. Springer, Chennai 2011.   Download
7. * Tomáš Kroupa: From Probabilities to Belief Functions on MV-Algebras. Combining Soft Computing and Statistical Methods in Data Analysis, 387-395. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg 2010.   Download
8. * Tomáš Kroupa: Note on Construction of Probabilities on Many-valued Events via Schauder Bases and Inverse Limits. Proceedings of ISMVL 2010, 185-188. IEEE computer society, Barcelona 2010.   Download
9. * Tomáš Kroupa, R. Hable: Structure of the Set of Belief Functions Generated by a Random Closed Interval. Proceedings of Workshop on the Theory of Belief Functions, 1-5. ENSIETA, Brest 2010.   Download
10. * Tomáš Kroupa: Belief Functions on Formulas in Lukasiewicz Logic. Proceedings of WUPES 2009, 156-166. University of Economics, Prague 2009.   Download
11. * Tomáš Kroupa, B. Gerla: Representation of States on MV-algebras by Probabilities on R-generated Boolean Algebras. Proceedings of IFSA/EUSFLAT 2009, 713-718. IFSA/EUSFLAT, Lisabon 2009.   Download
12. * Tomáš Kroupa: Affinity and Continuity of Credal Set Operator. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications, 269-275. Durham University, Durham 2009.   Download
13. * Libor Běhounek, Tomáš Kroupa: Topology in Fuzzy Class Theory: Basic Notions. Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing, 513-522. Springer, Berlin 2007.
14. * Libor Běhounek, Tomáš Kroupa: Interior-Based Topology in Fuzzy Class Theory. New Dimensions in Fuzzy Logic and Related Technologies, 145-151. University of Ostrava, Ostrava 2007.
15. * Radim Jiroušek, Václav Kratochvíl, Tomáš Kroupa, Radim Lněnička, Milan Studený, Jiří Vomlel, P. Hampl, H. Hamplová: An evaluation of string similarity measures on pricelists of computer components. Proceedings of Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /10./, 1-6. UTIA AV ČR, Praha 2007.
16. * Tomáš Kroupa: How Many Extreme Points Does the Set of Probabiltiies Dominated by a Possibility Measure Have?. WUPES '06 Proceedings of 7th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, 89-95. University of Economics, Prague 2006.
17. * Tomáš Kroupa: On Concept of Filter in Fuzzy Class Theory. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on the Logic of Soft Computing and the Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Soft Computing, 53-57. Universidad de Malaga, Malaga 2006.
18. * H. Hamplová, J. Ivánek, Radim Jiroušek, Tomáš Kroupa, Radim Lněnička, Milan Studený, Jiří Vomlel: Decision support system for comparison of price lists. Proceedings of the 8th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, 32-38. Oeconomica, Praha 2005.
19. * Tomáš Kroupa: Towards formal theory of measure on clans of fuzzy sets. Proceedings of the Joint EUSFLAT-LFA 2005 Conference, 351-356. Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona 2005.
20. * Tomáš Kroupa: On interpretation of possibility distributions as sets of dominated distribution functions. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, 367-372. Universita La Sapienza, Roma 2004.
21. * Tomáš Kroupa: Copulas and characterization of T-product possibility measures. Mathematics of Fuzzy Systems. Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory, 104-107. Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz 2004.
22. * Tomáš Kroupa: Measure of divergence of possibility measures. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, 173-181. University of Economics, Prague 2003.
23. * Tomáš Kroupa: On construction of joint observable on Lukasiewicz tribe. Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, 665-668. University of Applied Sciences, Zittau 2003.
24. * Tomáš Kroupa: Information measures in possibility theory. Proceedings of the 5th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, 143-148. Osaka University, Osaka 2002.
25. * Tomáš Kroupa, Petr Berka: WISECON: The intelligent support for e-commerce. First International IEEE Symposium Intelligent Systems. Proceedings, 210-214. IEEE, Varna 2002.

Other publications (8)

1. * Libor Běhounek, Petr Cintula, Tomáš Kroupa: Nash Equilibria in a Class of Continuous Games over Rational Lukasiewicz Logic. ISRALOG'14 Abstracts, 44-47. Faculty of Social Sciences, Haifa 2014.
2. * Tomáš Kroupa, T. Valla: Constructing many-valued logical functions with small influence of their variables. Abstract Booklet - LATD 2014, 202-206. Vienna University of Technology, Vienna 2014.   Download
3. * Tomáš Kroupa, Ondrej Majer: Nash Equilibria in a Class of Zero-Sum Games Represented by McNaughton Functions. Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2012. Book of Abstracts, 94-97. JAIST, Terui 2012.
4. * Tomáš Kroupa: Geometrical and Topological Properties of Credal Set Operator. Research Report 2264. ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i, Praha 2009.   Download
5. * Libor Běhounek, Tomáš Kroupa: Continuous Relations over Topological Spaces in Fuzzy Class Theory. Foundations of Lattice-Valued Mathematics with Applications to Algebra and Topology, 15-18. Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz 2008.
6. * D. Butnariu, Tomáš Kroupa: Shapley Mappings and the Cumulative Value for n-Person Games with Fuzzy Coalitions. Interní publikace - DAR - ÚTIA 2006/35. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2006.
7. * Tomáš Kroupa: Conditional probability on MV-algebras. Abstract. ISCAM 2004. International Conference in Applied Mathematics for Undergraduate and Graduate Students. Abstracts, 20. Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava 2004.

Miscellaneous (5)

1. * Marta Bílková, Petr Cintula, Zuzana Haniková, R. Horčík, T. Kroupa, Tomáš Lávička, Ondrej Majer, Tommaso Moraschini, Carles Noguera, Adam Přenosil, Igor Sedlár, Amanda Vidal: TACL 2017: Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic.   Download
2. * Petr Cintula, Ondrej Majer, Tomáš Kroupa: Manyval 2013: Games, decisions and rationality.   Download
3. * Tomáš Kroupa, Jiřina Vejnarová: Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing. Faculty of Management, Universit of Economics, Prague, Praha 2012.
4. * Tomáš Kroupa, Jiřina Vejnarová: Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing. University of Economics, Praha 2009.
5. * Tomáš Kroupa, Jiřina Vejnarová: Proceedings of the 8th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty. Oeconomica, Praha 2005.