Publications - Petr Kujan

Journal articles (2)

1. * Petr Kujan, Martin Hromčík, Michael Šebek: Complete Fast Analytical Solution of the Optimal Odd Single-Phase Multilevel Problem. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 57:7 (2010), 2382-2397. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.   Download
2. * Petr Kujan, M. Hromčík, Michael Šebek: Effective solution of a linear system with Chebyshev coefficients. Integral Transforms and Special Functions 20:8 (2009), 619-628.   Download

Conference papers (9)

1. * Petr Kujan: Numerical Iterative Methods Solving three-phase Multilevel Voltage Converter. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, 1801-1806. IEEE, Yokohama 2010.
2. * Petr Kujan, M. Hromčík, M. Šebek: Single-Phase Optimal Odd PWM Problem. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 371-378. IEEE, Piscataway 2008.
3. * Petr Kujan, Martin Hromčík, Michael Šebek: Solving the optimal PWM problem for odd symmetry waveforms. Preprints of the 17th IFAC World Congress, 8672-8677. IFAC, Laxenburg 2008.
4. * Petr Kujan, Michael Šebek, Martin Hromčík: New Special System of Polynomial Equations for 3-phase Multilevel Voltage Converter Derived from the PWM Problem for 1-Phase Inverters. Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2007, 4568-4575. ECC 2007, Atény 2007.
5. * Petr Kujan, Michael Šebek, Martin Hromčík: Construction of New System of Polynomial Equations for 3-phase Multilevel Voltage Converter. Proceedings 16th International Conference Process Control 2007. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava 2007.
6. * Petr Kujan, M. Hromčík, M. Šebek: Výpočet speciální soustavy polynomiálních rovnic pro vícehladinový konvertor. Setkání uživatelů systému Mathematica, 1-8. Elkan, Praha 2006.
7. * Petr Kujan, M. Hromčík, Michael Šebek: On computing determinants of large sylvester type matrices. Preprints of the 16th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, 1-6. IFAC, Prague 2005.
8. * Petr Kujan, M. Hromčík, Michael Šebek: Web-based MATHEMATICA platform for systems and control education. Proceedings of the 13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 376-381. IEEE, Limassol 2005.
9. * P. Kujan, Martin Hromčík, M. Šebek, N. P. Karampetakis, E. N. Antoniou, S. Vologiannidis: Effective computations with 2-variable polynomial matrices in MATHEMATICA. Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Medeterranean Conferences on Control and Automation, 1-5. IEEE, Kusadasi 2004.