1. * J. Konieczny, Michal Kupsa, D. Kwietniak: On d-approachability, entropy density and B-free shifts. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 43:3 (2023), 943-970. Cambridge University Press. Download |
2. * Michal Kupsa: On typical encodings of multivariate ergodic sources. Kybernetika 56:6 (2020), 1090-1110. Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i.. Download |
3. * Martin Ondreját, Prokop Šimon, Michal Kupsa: Support of solutions of stochastic differential equations in exponential Besov-Orlicz spaces. Stochastic Analysis and Applications 36:6 (2018), 1037-1052. Taylor & Francis. Download |
4. * J. Konieczny, Michal Kupsa, D. Kwietniak: Arcwise connectedness of the set of ergodic measures of hereditary shifts. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 146:8 (2018), 3425-3438. American Mathematical Society. Download |
5. * Michal Kupsa, Š. Starosta: On the partitions with Sturmian-like refinements. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 35:8 (2015), 3483-3501. AIMS Press. |
6. * N. Haydn, Michal Kupsa: Example of a Non-standard Extreme Value Law. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 35:6 (2015), 1902-1912. Cambridge University Press. Download |
7. * P. Grzegorek, Michal Kupsa: Exponential return times in a zero-entropy process. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 11:3 (2012), 1361-1383. AIMS Press. Download |
8. * P. Grzegorek, Michal Kupsa: Return times in a process generated by a typical partition. Nonlinearity 22:2 (2009), 371-379. Institute of Physics Publishing. Download |
9. * Michal Kupsa, V. Chaumoitre: k-limit laws of return and hitting times. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 15:1 (2006), 73-86. AIMS Press. |
1. * František Matúš, Michal Kupsa: On colorings of bivariate random sequences. Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT), 2010 IEEE International Symposium, 1272-1276. IEEE, Piscataway 2010. Download |