1. * Volodymyr Lynnyk, Branislav Rehák: Non-Fragile Sampled Control Design for an Interconnected Large-Scale System via Wirtinger Inequality. AXIOMS 13, - AMMOCA 2024 (2024). MDPI. Download |
2. * Branislav Rehák, Sergej Čelikovský, Volodymyr Lynnyk, Anna Lynnyk: Synchronization of Generalized Lorenz Systems in a Loop. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 34. World Scientific Publishing. Download |
3. * Branislav Rehák, Anna Lynnyk, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Synchronization of Multi-Agent Systems Composed of Second-Order Underactuated Agents. Mathematics 12, MMAAIMAS 2024 (2024). MDPI. Download |
4. * Sergej Čelikovský, Volodymyr Lynnyk, Anna Lynnyk, Branislav Rehák: GENERALIZED SYNCHRONIZATION IN THE NETWORKS WITH DIRECTED ACYCLIC STRUCTURE. Kybernetika 59:3 (2023), 437-460. Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i.. Download |
5. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: CONSENSUS OF MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS AND STABILIZATION OF LARGE-SCALE SYSTEMS WITH TIME DELAYS AND NONLINEARITIES - A COMPARISON OF BOTH PROBLEMS. Kybernetika 59:3 (2023), 461-483. Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i.. Download |
6. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Approximate Synchronization of Complex Network Consisting of Nodes With Minimum-Phase Zero Dynamics and Uncertainties. IEEE Access 10:1 (2022), 35352-35362. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Download |
7. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Synchronization of a Network Composed of Stochastic Hindmarsh-Rose Neurons. Mathematics 9. MDPI. Download |
8. * Volodymyr Lynnyk, Štěpán Papáček, Branislav Rehák: Biochemical network of drug-induced enzyme production: Parameter estimation based on the periodic dosing response measurement. Kybernetika 57:6 (2021), 1005-1018. Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i.. Download |
9. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Leader-following synchronization of a multi-agent system with heterogeneous delays. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 22:1 (2021), 97. Zheijiang University Press. Download |
10. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Consensus of a multi-agent systems with heterogeneous delays. Kybernetika 56:2 (2020), 363-381. Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i.. Download |
11. * Branislav Rehák: FINITE ELEMENT-BASED OBSERVER DESIGN FOR NONLINEAR SYSTEMS WITH DELAYED MEASUREMENTS. Kybernetika 55:6 (2019), 1050-1069. Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i.. Download |
12. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Design of a nonlinear observer using the finite element method with application to a biological system. Cybernetics and Physics 8:4 (2019), 292-297. Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk. Download |
13. * Volodymyr Lynnyk, Branislav Rehák, Sergej Čelikovský: ON THE APPLICABILITY OF THE AUXILIARY SYSTEM APPROACH IN COMPLEX NETWORKS WITH THE RING TOPOLOGY. Cybernetics and Physics 8:3 (2019), 143-152. Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk. Download |
14. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Network-based control of nonlinear large-scale systems composed of identical subsystems. Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics 356:2 (2019), 1088-1112. Elsevier. Download |
15. * Branislav Rehák: Observer Design for a Time Delay System via the Razumikhin Approach. Asian Journal of Control 19:6 (2017), 2226-2231. Download |
16. * Lubomír Bakule, Branislav Rehák, Martin Papík: Decentralized Networked Control of Building Structures. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 31:11 (2016), 871-886. |
17. * Lubomír Bakule, Branislav Rehák, Martin Papík: Decentralized H-infinity control of complex systems with delayed feedback. Automatica 67:1 (2016), 127-131. Elsevier. |
18. * Branislav Rehák: Sum-of-squares based observer design for polynomial systems with a known fixed time delay. Kybernetika 51:5 (2015), 858-873. Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i.. Download |
19. * Branislav Rehák: Large-Scale Systems Control Design via LMI Optimization. Information Technology and Control 44:3 (2015), 247-253. |
20. * Branislav Rehák: Alternative Method of Solution of the Regulator Equation: L2 -Space Approach. Asian Journal of Control 14:4 (2012), 1150-1154. Download |
21. * U. Kotta, Branislav Rehák, M. Wyrwas: On submersivity assumption for nonlinear control systems on homogeneous time scales. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences 60:1 (2011), 25-37. Download |
22. * Š. Papáček, Sergej Čelikovský, Branislav Rehák, D. Štys: Experimental design for parameter estimation of two time-scale model of photosynthesis and photoinhibition in microalgae. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 80:6 (2010), 1302-1309. Elsevier. Download |
23. * Branislav Rehák, Sergej Čelikovský, J. Ruiz-León, J. Orozco-Mora: A comparison of two Fem-based methods for the solution of the nonlinear output regulation problem. Kybernetika 45:3 (2009), 427-444. Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i.. |
24. * Branislav Rehák: LMI-Based Design of a Control of a Large-Scale System. International Review of Electrical Engineering 3 (2008), 1-3. |
25. * Branislav Rehák, Sergej Čelikovský: Numerical method for the solution of the regulator equation with application to nonlinear tracking. Automatica 44:5 (2008), 1358-1365. Elsevier. |
26. * Branislav Rehák, Sergej Čelikovský, Š. Papáček: Model for Photosynthesis and Photoinhibition: Parameter Identification Based on the Harmonic Irradiation 0_2 Response Measurement. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 53:1 (2008), 101-108. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. |
1. * Volodymyr Lynnyk, Branislav Rehák: Quantized control of complex networks composed of identical systems with delayed inputs - application of the descriptor approach. Proceedings of The 8th, 2022 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technology, Istanbul, Turkey, 1064-1069. IEEE, Picsataway 2022. |
2. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: A functional equation-based computational method for the discrete-time nonlinear observer. IFAC-PapersOnLine. Volume 54, Issue 14 - 3rd IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems MICNON 2021, 120-125. Elsevier, Amsterdam 2021. Download |
3. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Consensus of a nonlinear multi-agent system with output measurements. IFAC-PapersOnLine. Volume 54, Issue 14 - 3rd IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems MICNON 2021, 400-405. Elsevier, Amsterdam 2021. Download |
4. * Štěpán Papáček, Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk, Anna Lynnyk: Analysis of a Model Reduction Method (D-QSSA) applied to a Class of Biochemical Networks. IFAC-PapersOnLine.Volume 54, Issue 15 - 11th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems BMS 2021, 568-573. Elsevier, Amsterdam 2021. Download |
5. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Consensus synchronization of underactuated systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine.Volume 54, Issue 19 - 7th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control LHMNC 2021, 275-280. Elsevier, Amsterdam 2021. |
6. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Synchronization of a network composed of Hindmarsh-Rose neurons with stochastic disturbances. IFAC-PapersOnLine.Volume 54, Issue 17 - 6th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems CHAOS 2021, 65-70. Elsevier, Amsterdam 2021. Download |
7. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Synchronization of a linear multi-agent system with sampled control and a jointly connected topology. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Systems and Control (2021), 210-215. IEEE, Piscataway 2021. Download |
8. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Event-triggered Luenberger observer for nonlinear systems. Proceedings of the 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2021), 4701-4706. IEEE, Piscataway 2021. |
9. * Volodymyr Lynnyk, Branislav Rehák, Sergej Čelikovský: Generalized synchronization and their detection in the complex network with a tree topology. Proceedings of the 2021 9th International Conference on Systems and Control, Caen, France (2021), 216-222. IEEE, Piscataway 2021. Download |
10. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Nonlinear Luenberger observer for systems with quantized and delayed measurements. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR 21), 29-34. IEEE, Piscataway 2021. Download |
11. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Synchronization of a nonlinear multi-agent system with application to a network composed of Hindmarsh-Rose neurons. Proceedings of the 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2021), 1086-1091. IEEE, Piscataway 2021. Download |
12. * Volodymyr Lynnyk, Branislav Rehák: Non-fragile control of complex network composed of identical systems with delayed inputs - application of the descriptor approach. Proceedings of the 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2021), 494-499. IEEE, Piscataway 2021. Download |
13. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Stabilization of large-scale systems and consensus of multi-agent systems with time delay - common features and differences. Proceedings of the 2021 23rd International Conference on Process Control (PC), 13-18. IEEE, Piscataway 2021. |
14. * Branislav Rehák: A NUMERICAL METHOD FOR THE SOLUTION OF THE NONLINEAR OBSERVER PROBLEM. Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics. Proceedings of Seminar, 110-119. Institute of Mathematics CAS, Prague 2021. Download |
15. * Štěpán Papáček, Volodymyr Lynnyk, Branislav Rehák: REGULATORY NETWORK OF DRUG-INDUCED ENZYME PRODUCTION: PARAMETER ESTIMATION BASED ON THE PERIODIC DOSING RESPONSE MEASUREMENT. Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics. Proceedings of Seminar, 89-97. Institute of Mathematics CAS, Prague 2021. Download |
16. * Štěpán Papáček, Volodymyr Lynnyk, Branislav Rehák: Systems biology analysis of a drug metabolism (with slow-fast. . . ). Proceedings of the PANM 20 Programy a algoritmy numericke matematiky 20. Matematický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., Hejnice 2020. Download |
17. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Synchronization of nonlinear multi-agent systems via exact feedback linearization. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS) 2020, 670-677. IEEE, Piscataway 2020. |
18. * Volodymyr Lynnyk, Branislav Rehák, Sergej Čelikovský: On estimation of the parameters in the complex network via the adaptive observer. Proceedings of the 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2020, 605-610. IEEE, Piscataway 2020. |
19. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Synchronization of multi-agent systems with directed topologies and heterogeneous delays. Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC 2020), 1671-1676. IEEE, Piscataway 2020. Download |
20. * Volodymyr Lynnyk, Branislav Rehák, Sergej Čelikovský: On the detection of the generalized synchronization in the complex network with ring topology. Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC 2020), 1955-1960. IEEE, Piscataway 2020. Download |
21. * Volodymyr Lynnyk, Branislav Rehák, Sergej Čelikovský: On detection of generalized synchronization in the complex network with ring topology via the duplicated systems approach. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Systems and Control, Marrakech, Morocco, October 23-25 (ICSC 2019), 251-256. IEEE, Piscataway 2019. |
22. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Synchronization of nonlinear complex networks with input delays and minimum-phase zero dynamics. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2019), 759-764. IEEE, Piscataway 2019. Download |
23. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Decentralized networked stabilization of a nonlinear large system under quantization. IFAC-PapersOnLine. Volume 52, Issue 20 - Proceedings of the 8th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, Chicago, IL, USA 2019, 49-54. Elsevier, Amsterdam 2019. Download |
24. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Robust stabilization of a discrete-time large-scale interconnected system composed of identical subsystems. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR 2019), 179-184. IEEE, Piscataway 2019. Download |
25. * Branislav Rehák: Wirtinger inequality-based control design for an interconnected large-scale system with sampled controls. Proceedings of the 38th Chinese Control Conference 2019, 1009-1014. IEEE, Piscataway 2019. |
26. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Synchronization of symmetric complex networks with heterogenous time delays. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Process Control (2019), 68-73. IEEE, Piscataway 2019. |
27. * Branislav Rehák, Petr Augusta: A comparison of two approaches to the control of a system with distributed parameters. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Process Control (2019), 43-48. IEEE, Piscataway 2019. |
28. * Branislav Rehák: Finite-element based observer design for nonlinear systems with delayed measurements. IFAC-PapersOnLine. Volume 51, Issue 14. : 14th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems TDS 2018, 201-206. Elsevier, Amsterdam 2018. |
29. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk, Sergej Čelikovský: Consensus of homogeneous nonlinear minimum-phase multi-agent systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine. Volume 51, Issue 13. : 2nd IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems MICNON 2018, 223-228. Elsevier, Amsterdam 2018. |
30. * B. Cichy, Petr Augusta, A. Galkowski, A. Rauh, H. Aschemann, E. Rogers, Branislav Rehák: Modeling and Iterative Learning Control of a Circular Deformable Mirror. IFAC-PapersOnLine. Volume 50, Issue 1. : 20th IFAC World Congress, 3117-3122. Elsevier, Amsterdam 2017. |
31. * Lubomír Bakule, Martin Papík, Branislav Rehák: Networked overlapping control for building benchmark. Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Structural Control (EACS 2016). University of Sheffield, Sheffield 2016. |
32. * Lubomír Bakule, Martin Papík, Branislav Rehák: Quantized Event-Triggered Static Output Feedback Stabilization. Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA) 2016, 499-504. IEEE, Kathmandu 2016. |
33. * Lubomír Bakule, Martin Papík, Branislav Rehák: Reliable overlapping control for civil structures. Proceedings of the EVACES’15, 6th International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures. EDP Sciences, Les Ulis Cedex A 2015. Download |
34. * Lubomír Bakule, Martin Papík, Branislav Rehák: Decentralized overlapping control for civil structures. Proceedings of the 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials (SMART 2015). University of the Azores, Ponta Delgada 2015. |
35. * Š. Papáček, J. Jablonský, K. Petera, Branislav Rehák, Ctirad Matonoha: Modeling and Optimization of Microalgae Growth in Photobioreactors: A Multidisciplinary Problem. ISCS 2014: Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems, 277-286. Springer, Cham 2014. |
36. * N. Sakamoto, Branislav Rehák, K. Ueno: Nonlinear Luenberger observer design via invariant manifold computation. Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress, 2014, 37-42. IFAC, Cape Town 2014. |
37. * Lubomír Bakule, Martin Papík, Branislav Rehák: Decentralized stabilization of large-scale civil structures. Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress, 2014, 10427-10432. IFAC, Cape Town 2014. Download |
38. * Branislav Rehák: Sum-of-squares observer design for a polynomial system with unknown time delays. Proceedings of the 2014 11th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA), 479-484. IEEE, Taichung 2014. |
39. * Lubomír Bakule, Martin Papík, Branislav Rehák: Decentralized Reliable Control for a Building Benchmark. Proceedings of the 6th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring - 6WCSCM, 2242-2253. CIMNE, Barcelona 2014. |
40. * Branislav Rehák: Observer design for a polynomial system with time delays via sum-of-squares. Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS 2013), 54-59. IEEE, Piscataway 2013. |
41. * Lubomír Bakule, Martin Papík, Branislav Rehák: Stabilization of Decentralized Networked Complex Systems with Multiple-Packet Transmission. Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS 2013), 42-47. IEEE, Piscataway 2013. |
42. * Branislav Rehák, Š. Papáček: State reconstruction of a model of microalgae growth based on one continuous-time and one discrete-time measurements. Proceedings of the 9th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, 389-394. IFAC, Toulouse 2013. |
43. * Lubomír Bakule, M. de la Sen, Martin Papík, Branislav Rehák: Decentralized stabilization of complex systems with delayed feedback. Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Symposium on Large Scale Complex Systems: Theory and Applications, 2013, 31-36. International Federation of Automatic Control, Shanghai 2013. Download |
44. * Lubomír Bakule, M. de la Sen, Martin Papík, Branislav Rehák: Decentralized stabilization of symmetric systems with delayed observer-based feedback. 2013 AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE (ACC), 6679-6684. IEEE, New York 2013. |
45. * Branislav Rehák: Sum-of-Squares Based Observer Design Using Lyapunov Functions of Order Higher than Two. Memoria XV Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automático CLCA 2012 Proceedings, 1-5. Tarea Asociación Gráfica Educativa, Lima, Peru, Lima 2012. |
46. * U. Kotta, Branislav Rehák, M. Wyrwas: Reduction of MIMO nonlinear systems on homogeneous time scales. Preprints of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Systems, 1249-1254. University of Bologna, Bologna 2010. |
47. * Branislav Rehák, Sergej Čelikovský: Finite difference solution of discrete-time regulator equation and its application to digital output regulation problem. Proceedings of the 2009 American Control Conference, 5333-5338. IEEE, Saint Louis 2009. |
48. * M. Anderle, Petr Augusta, Branislav Rehák: Simulace regulace systémů s rozloženými parametry v simulinku. Preprints of the Technical Computing Prague 2008, 1-6. HUMUSOFT, Praha 2008. |
49. * Branislav Rehák: Solvability of the Regulator Equation: L2-space Approach. Preprints of the 17th IFAC World Congress, 12124-12128. IFAC, Laxenburg 2008. |
50. * Branislav Rehák: Decomposition of a large-scale system and reference tracking: LMI-based approach. Preprints of the 11th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP Symposium on Large Scale Complex Systems Theory and Applications, 1-6. IFAC, Gdaňsk 2007. |
51. * Branislav Rehák, J. Orozco-Mora, Sergej Čelikovský, J. Ruiz-León: Real-Time Error-Feedback Output Regulation of Nonhyperbolically Nonminimum Phase System. Proceedings of the 2007 Americal Control Conference, 3789-3794. Omnipress, New York 2007. |
52. * Branislav Rehák, S. Čelikovský: FEM-based methods for the solution of the nonlinear output regulation problem. Proceedings 16th International Conference Process Control 2007. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava 2007. |
53. * Branislav Rehák, L. Synek, D. Pachner: Design of a Control of a Magnetic Bearing via Exact Linearization. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Control and Application, 297-302. IASTED, Quebec 2006. |
54. * Branislav Rehák: Optimization-based decomposition of a large-scale system. Proceedings of the ALSIS'06 1st IFAC Workshop on Applicatons of Large Scale Industrial Systems, 1-6. IFAC, Helsinky 2006. |
55. * Branislav Rehák, Sergej Čelikovský: A numerical method for the solution of the error-feedback output regulation problem. Proceedings Book of the 6th Asian Control Conference. ASCC 2006, 58-63. ASCC, Bali 2006. |
56. * B. Rehák, J. Orozco-Mora, Sergej Čelikovský, J. Ruiz-León: Femlab-based output regulation of nonhyperbolically nonminimum phase system and its real-time impementation. Preprints of the 16th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, 1-6. IFAC, Prague 2005. |
1. * Volodymyr Lynnyk, Branislav Rehák: Detection of the generalized synchronization of chaotic systems: auxiliary system approach with delayed communication. Proceedings of the PANM 21 Programy a algoritmy numericke matematiky 21 /2022/, 17-17. Institute of Mathematics Czech Academy of Sciences, Praha 2023. Download |
2. * Branislav Rehák: GA 19-07635S: Outputs and Results. Research Report 2396. ÚTIA AV ČR, v. v. i.,, Praha 2023. Download |
3. * Branislav Rehák, Volodymyr Lynnyk: Small gain theorem for systems described by quasilinear parabolic equations. PANM 21 Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 21, Abstrakty, 22-22. Matematický ústav Akademie Věd České republiky, Praha 2022. Download |
5. * Lubomír Bakule, Martin Papík, Branislav Rehák: DCTOOL-A5. Research Report 2377. ÚTIA AV ČR v.v.i, Praha 2018. |
6. * Lubomír Bakule, Martin Papík, Branislav Rehák: DCTOOL-A4. Research Report 2375. ÚTIA AV ČR v.v.i, Praha 2018. |
7. * Lubomír Bakule, Martin Papík, Branislav Rehák: DCTOOL-A3. Research Report 2356. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2016. |
8. * Lubomír Bakule, Martin Papík, Branislav Rehák: DCTOOL-A2. Research Report 2353. ÚTIA AV ČR v.v.i, Praha 2015. |
9. * Lubomír Bakule, Martin Papík, Branislav Rehák: DCTOOL - A1. Research Report 2344. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2014. |
10. * Lubomír Bakule, Martin Papík, Branislav Rehák: DCTOOL. Research Report 2336. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2013. |
11. * Branislav Rehák, Sergej Čelikovský: A numeriacl method for the solution of the error-feedback output regulation problem. Proceedings Book of the 6th Asian Control Conference. ASCC 2006, 76-76. ASCC, Bali 2006. |