1. * Milan Anderle, Sergej Čelikovský, D. Henrion, Jiří Zikmund: Advanced LMI based analysis and design for Acrobot walking. International Journal of Control 83:8 (2010), 1641-1652. Taylor & Francis. Download |
2. * Jiří Zikmund: Composite Control of the n–link Chained Mechanical Systems. Kybernetika 44:5 (2008), 664-684. Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i.. |
1. * Milan Anderle, Sergej Čelikovský, D. Henrion, Jiří Zikmund: LMI based design for the Acrobot walking. Preprints of the 9th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, 595-600. IFAC, Gifu 2009. |
2. * Sergej Čelikovský, Jiří Zikmund, C. Moog: Partial exact linearization design for the Acrobat walking. Preprints of the 2008 American Control Conference, 874-879. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Editors, Seattle 2008. |
3. * C.H. Moog, Jiří Zikmund, S. Čelikovský: Equivalence of Mechanical Systems. Preprints of the 3rd IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control. IFAC, Foz do Iguassu 2007. |
4. * Jiří Zikmund, Sergej Čelikovský, C.H. Moog: Nonlinear Control Design for the Acrobot. Preprints of the 3rd IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control. IFAC, Foz do Iguassu 2007. |
5. * Sergej Čelikovský, Jiří Zikmund: Composite control of the n-link chained mechanical systems. Proceedings 16th International Conference Process Control 2007. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava 2007. |
6. * Jiří Zikmund: Analyse et Commande de Systemes Mécaniques Sous-Actionnés. Preprints of JDOC 2006, 1-4. ED-S.T.I.M., Nantes 2006. |
7. * J. Zikmund, Sergej Čelikovský: Design and Realization of Experimental Robotic Walking Platform. Preprints of CVUT Workshop, 1-2. ČVUT, Praha 2006. |
8. * Jiří Zikmund, C. H. Moog: The structure of 2-bodies mechanical systems. Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 6494-6499. Omnipress, San Diego 2006. |
1. * Jiří Zikmund: Analyse et commande des systemes mecaniques sous-actionnes avec application aux robots a pattes. Université de Nantes, Nantes 2008. |