References (ours, selected):
Somol P.,
Pudil P.,
Kittler J. (UK):
Fast Branch & Bound Algorithms For Optimal Feature Selection. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 26(7):900–912, July 2004.
Somol P.,
Pudil P.:
Feature Selection Toolbox. Pattern Recognition 35(12):2749--2759, 2002.
Somol P.,
Pudil P.,
Grim J.:
Branch & Bound Algorithm with Partial Prediction For Use with Recursive and Non-Recursive Criterion Forms. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 2013, Springer, pp. 230-239, 2001.
Somol P.,
Pudil P.:
Oscillating search algorithms for feature selection. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. (Sanfeliu A., Villanueva J. J., Vanrell M. eds.). IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, pp. 406-409, 2000.
Somol P.,
Pudil P.,
Novovicova J.,
Paclik P.:
Adaptive floating search methods in feature selection. Pattern Recognition Letters, 20 (1999), 11/13, 1157-1163.
Novovicova J.,
Pudil P.,
Kittler J. (UK):
Divergence Based Feature Selection for Multimodal Class Densities. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 18(2):218-223, 1996.
Pudil P.,
Novovicova J.,
Kittler J. (UK):
Floating Search Methods in Feature Selection. Pattern Recognition Letters, 15(11):1119--1125, 1994.
References (general):
- S.Theodoridis and K.Koutroumbas. Pattern Recognition: 2nd edition. Academic Press, Inc., 2003.
- A.Webb. Statistical Pattern Recognition: 2nd edition. John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
- R.O.Duda, P.E.Hart and D.G.Stork. Pattern Classification: 2nd edition. Wiley-Interscience, 2000.
- K.Fukunaga. Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition: 2nd edition. Academic Press, Inc., 1990.
- P.A. Devijver and J.Kittler. Pattern Recognition: A Statistical Approach. Prentice-Hall, 1982.