Decentralized finance has been often synonymized with cryptocurrencies, cryptoassets, or even simply with Bitcoin not only in the public perception but to a high degree also in financial research. This project aims to dive deeper into decentralized finance and in a comprehensive manner explore and describe its structural aspects.
The project focuses on analysis of specific aspects of cryptoassets (cryptocurrencies), specifically on three main branches of research. First, we study the cryptoassets pricing mechanisms, mainly with respect to their fundamental factors such as number of users, number of transactions, traded volume, and others.
The project focuses on utilization of multifractal framework in finance and financial economics. Specifically, we focus on three main branches of research. First, we examine how occurrence of financial extreme events translates into multifractal properties of the time series. For this purpose, we utilize the cusp catastrophe theory and the log-periodic power-law model.
Projekt se zaměřuje na analýzu finančních časových řad v rámci dvourozměrné dlouhé paměti se zvláštním zaměřením na mocninný pokles funkce křížových korelací a důsledky pro dynamické vlastnosti takových procesů. Prvním cílem je použít tyto implikace pro konstrukci statistických testů pro rozlišení mezi krátkou a dlouho pamětí.