Institute of Information Theory and Automation

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Dept.: E Duration: 2024 - 2026
The project will develop a new family of models for identification of tail risks in financial markets from possibly large datasets using deep learning algorithms. Our newly developed methods will allow us to revisit several classical problems in empirical asset pricing. We believe that the results will be of fundamental character and will open number of questions. Specifically, we aim to explore...
Dept.: E Duration: 2024 - 2026
V rámci projektu budou navrženy a realizovány strategie zajištění na komoditních trzích zaměřené na snížení finančních rizik. Náš přístup zohlední rozdíly ve zpracování informací a investičních horizontech účastníků trhu využitím informačního obsahu realizovaných semikovariančních matic a frekvenčně specifického přenosu rizik napříč aktivy. Energetické komodity, jako je ropa a zemní plyn, budou...
Dept.: E Duration: 2023 - 2025
Decentralized finance has been often synonymized with cryptocurrencies, cryptoassets, or even simply with Bitcoin not only in the public perception but to a high degree also in financial research. This project aims to dive deeper into decentralized finance and in a comprehensive manner explore and describe its structural aspects. We aim to answer how these features drive and influence dynamics...
Dept.: E Duration: 2020 - 2021
Cílem projektu je vytvoření softwarového nástroje pro simulaci sociálních vazeb a protiepidemických opatření, který umožní porovnat efektivitu opatření s jejich dopadem na život jednotlivce i společnosti. Jádrem tohoto nástroje je síťový model dosavadního šíření COVID-19 v ČR. V modelování kombinujeme data longitudinálního sociologického výzkumů Život během pandemie (mezilidské kontakty, pracovní...
Dept.: E Duration: 2020 - 2022
The pre-2008 consensus on what is the most appropriate economic policy melted away. Since then, economists and policymakers have faced new challenges like the zero lower bound, the non-neutrality of financial regulation for the long-term economic performance, and increased uncertainty. This project contributes to the debates about the future economic policies by addressing topics that are beyond...
Dept.: E Duration: 2020 - 2022
The project addresses the disconnection issue of the current financial and economic agent-based research. A complex agent-based economic model with an integrated financial sector will be suggested and a focus will be devoted to its econometric estimation. This interconnection will allow an overall study of the economic system under realistic assumptions about the behavior of economic agents. The...
Dept.: E Duration: 2020 - 2022
The project focuses on analysis of specific aspects of cryptoassets (cryptocurrencies), specifically on three main branches of research. First, we study the cryptoassets pricing mechanisms, mainly with respect to their fundamental factors such as number of users, number of transactions, traded volume, and others. The core models will be constructed utilizing the quantity theory of money and...
Dept.: E Duration: 2020 - 2022
This project focuses on the construction of complex networks of financial markets’ linkages around the world. First, several measures of associations will be considered, describing different aspects of market relationships. Second, suitable subgraphs will be identified, in order to create a suitable network representation capturing main dependencies between markets. Finally, the network...
Dept.: E Duration: 2019 - 2023
The recent availability of large digital finance datasets brings new challenges to quantitative finance. Many of the classical financial econometric or optimization models become inappropriate or intractable when applied to digital finance data. Vast quantities of information available in every moment require improvement of the classical methodology, in order to understand correctly the...
Dept.: E Duration: 2019 - 2021
The goal of this Project is to study arbitrage opportunities on limit order markets with boundedly rational agents. To this end, we aim to construct a model of a market with boundedly rational liquidity providers (market makers), liquidity takers (institutional/retail investors) and arbitragers (high frequency traders), and examine pay-offs of the arbitragers depending on the market's...