Institute of Information Theory and Automation

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Dr. Jan M. Swart

head of the department
Research interests: 
interacting particle systems, stochastic analysis
Publications ÚTIA: 
2024-05-06 14:40

Person detail

Duration: 2020 - 2022
In interacting stochastic models, simple rules on the local level can give rise to complex behaviour on large scales. A natural way to study this phenomenon is through scaling limits and examination of the corresponding asymptomatic behaviour. Sometimes, randomness is present even at the macroscopic level, motivating the study of random continuum models.
Duration: 2012 - 2015
The project is devoted to the study of threshold phenomena: the abrupt and dramatic change in the properties of a stochastic system once a characteristic parameter passes a threshold value. General principles and various forms of threshold phenomena in large stochastic systems are analyzed.



Jan Niklas Latz DSc.
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta UK