Institute of Information Theory and Automation

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Doc. Petr Volf, CSc.

emeritus staff
Research interests: 
survival analysis, nonparametric regression, smoothing methods, statistical reliability testing
Publications ÚTIA: 
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2024-04-29 12:13

Person detail

Duration: 2006 - 2008
Development of an intelligent information system of maintenance. The system will possess a modular structure containing both basic tools and functions of maintenance management and modules with advanced analytical methods, and including an adaptive knowledge data-basis.
Duration: 2006 - 2010
The project is devoted to basic research in mathematics, probability and statistics, with applications to neurophysiology and economics. A broad new class of random point processes in space and time will be developed and its properties investigated mainly analytically and also by means of simulations. Advanced probabilistic tools will be enhanced to solve complex modeling problems.
Duration: 2005 - 2008
Methods for statistical data analysis and probability modeling play an increasingly important role in learning about natural and social phenomena, especially in connection with the availability and spread of information technology.



Ing. Tomáš Kouřim
Mgr. Jana Timková Ph.D.
Fakulta zdravotnických studií TU Liberec
Fakulta textilní TU Liberec