Publications - Pavel Paclík

Journal articles (3)

1. * P. Paclík, Jana Novovičová, R.P.W. Duin: Building Road-Sign Classifiers Using a Trainable Similarity Measure. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 7:3 (2006), 309-321.   Download
2. * Pavel Paclík, Jana Novovičová, Pavel Pudil, Petr Somol: Road sing classification using Laplace kernel classifier. Pattern Recognition Letters 21, 1165-1173. Elsevier.
3. * Petr Somol, Pavel Pudil, Jana Novovičová, Pavel Paclík: Adaptive floating search methods in feature selection. Pattern Recognition Letters 20, 1157-1163. Elsevier.   Download

Conference papers (5)

1. * P. Paclík, C. Lai, Jana Novovičová, R.P.W. Duin: Variance estimation for two-class and multi-class ROC analysis using operating point averaging. Proceedings on the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1-4. IEEE, Tampa 2008.   Download
2. * P. Paclík, Jana Novovičová, R.P.W. Duin: A trainable similarity measure for image classification. Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR 2006, 391-394. IEEE, Los Alamitos 2006.
3. * P. Paclík, Jana Novovičová: Number of components and initialization in Gaussian mixture model for pattern recognition. Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms. Proceedings, 406-409. Springer, Wien 2001.
4. * P. Paclík, Jana Novovičová: Road sign classification without color information. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI), 84-90. Technische Universiteit, Delft 2000.
5. * Pavel Paclík, Jana Novovičová, Pavel Pudil, Petr Somol: Road sign classification using the Laplace kernel classifier. Proceedings of the 11th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, 275-282. Pattern Recognition Society Denmark, Lyngby 1999.