Institute of Information Theory and Automation

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Dept.: SI Duration: 2015 - 2017
Dept.: SI Duration: 2014 - 2016
The word “TENSOR” in this project is understood as a multidimensional linear array of a rectangular shape, whose entries are either real or complex numbers. Such data structures are encountered, e.g., in chemometrics, telecommunication, biomedicine (fMRI, EEG) , data mining, kinetic theory of descriptions of materials, and so on. Canonical polyadic (CP) decomposition is a decomposition of a...
Dept.: SI Duration: 2014 - 2016
We want to conduct some meaningful and fruitful econometric research into multivariate regression quantiles. In particular, we intend (a) to define and investigate new multivariate (regression) quantiles, especially elliptical (regression) quantiles and (regression) quantiles defined by means of polar or spherical coordinate systems (b) to explore asymptotic properties and usefulness of some...
Dept.: SI Duration: 2012 - 2015
The project is devoted to the study of threshold phenomena: the abrupt and dramatic change in the properties of a stochastic system once a characteristic parameter passes a threshold value. General principles and various forms of threshold phenomena in large stochastic systems are analyzed. A number of concrete problems and conjectures is addressed concerning, in particular, gradient models...
Dept.: SI Duration: 2010 - 2014
The project is aimed at investigating qualitative properties of stochastic infinite dimensional systems (in particular, stochastic partial differential equations) and at research in infinite dimensional stochastic control theory. More specifically, the following topics will be emphasized: 1. Investigation of stochastic nonlinear wave equations, especially the problem of regularity and...
Dept.: SI Duration: 2009 - 2011
The aim of the project is to develop several aspects of the theory of Gibbs states and phase transitions of lattice models. Gradient lattice models, where the challenge is to understand the case of non-convex potentials, will be studied by means of multiscale analysis and a refinement of cluster expansions. In particular, we will present a proof of the strict convexity of the free energy and...
Dept.: SI Duration: 2009 - 2013
The proposed project aims at development of existing methods of blind source separation and blind separation of convolutive mixtures that are important in biomedicine, acoustics and speech processing, and in wireless communications. It will extend previous results of the appplicants in this area. In particular, goals of the project include design of computationally effective methods of...
Dept.: SI Duration: 2009 - 2011
Recurrence is one of the key concepts in topological dynamics, ergodic and information theories. Especially, limit distributions of return times in dynamical systems and stationary processes have been intensively studied. This field covers fundamental mathematical theorems as well as important apllications, e.g. Lempel-Ziv algorithm for data compression, practically used in format pdf, gif or...
Dept.: SI Duration: 2008 - 2009
Investigation limit behaviour of zero range processes in random environment, invariant principles for stationary stochastic processes; formulating and structuring problem. Development of methods enabling advanced description of asymptotics of particle systems under investigation, derivation of results and applications; organizing workshop on limit theorems and particle systems in Prague.
Dept.: SI Duration: 2007 - 2009
New theoretically well founded general definitions of the amount of information contained in messages, signals and vision fields from stochastically specified sources. Specification of particular formulas and presentation of properties of the new information measures in a form suitable for engineering applications in research and development of information processing systems. Application of these...