Institute of Information Theory and Automation

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Department: ZOI Duration: 2012 - 2014 Grantor: GACR
The project deals with interdisciplinary research of digital image processing methods applied to analysis and conservation of artworks. The aim is development of image processing methods for multimodal data acquired during the analysis of historical artworks exploiting the knowledge of multispectral properties of dyes, used for artwork creation.
Department: MTR Duration: 2012 - 2014 Grantor: GACR
A multivalued approach offers effecient tools for dealing with game-theoretic models and analysing optima and economic equilibria. The goal of this project is to use the methods based on multivalued analysis and logics for the investigation of several selected challenging problems that arise in game theory. This will include both cooperative and non-cooperative games.
Department: AS Duration: 2012 - 2014 Grantor: GACR
Differential equations form a tool that is frequently used for describing a great variety of dynamical systems. The developed theory of differential equations gives a possibility to study different kinds of processes like those with a finite number of degrees of freedom (ordinary differential equations), systems with distributed parameters (partial differential equations), systems with memory (d
Department: SI Duration: 2012 - 2015 Grantor: GACR
The project is devoted to the study of threshold phenomena: the abrupt and dramatic change in the properties of a stochastic system once a characteristic parameter passes a threshold value. General principles and various forms of threshold phenomena in large stochastic systems are analyzed.
Department: E Duration: 2012 - 2018 Grantor: GACR
The main objective project is to establish a new research platform, called Dynamic Models in Economics; abbreviated DYME. The platform should link Czech exellence with support for advanced research in the mathematical models of economics.
Department: ZS Duration: 2011 - 2018 Grantor:
Project 6002 is aimed to the improvement liaison between theory and practice and to adjustment near interrelationships in terms of provision § 51 Civil Code about cooperation in the field of Research and Development, particularly in research projects and transfer technology including fundamental and applied research as well at education process and searching specialists for scientific work. Par
Department: AS Duration: 2011 - 2014 Grantor: TACR
The aim of this project is to create, verify and hand over to the industrial partner a prototype of a small urban traffic control system with an open interface. The control system is inspired by an existing macroscopic state-space model of an urban transportation network, that has been tested in real traffic conditions in winter 2010.
Department: AS Duration: 2011 - 2013 Grantor: TACR
The project deals with control algorithms directed at optimization of fuel consumption in vehicles from economical/ecological point of view. Bayesian methodology is used.
Department: RO Duration: 2011 - 2013 Grantor: GACR
Real-world comprises thousands of materials having different surface textures. The appearance of these textures is a key in our everyday judgements of material properties. These judgements are based on our past experience, recognition, and usage of these materials.
